Adding mathematically correct comparison of numbers (reals)

I keep wondering why you often delete messages that do make sense. It is not really on my shortlist, but introducing rational infinity might also simplify dealing with the range boundaries in clp(fd).

I am deleting posts which are too much brainwriting. Please ignore them.

I see you could grab the out of the box thinking. But sadly it is not
suitable for a more Prolog system integrated CLP(FD), because there is a
name clash, at least in CLP(FD) as in Markus Triska library(clpfd) the

way it was ported to SWI-Prolog:

  • sup: Inspired by “Supremum” also least upper bound (LUB), means
    positive infinity (sic!) in CLP(FD), there is no name clash, can serve
    as +infQ, and is different from inf +infF, which is currently in SWI-Prolog.

  • inf: Inspired by “Infimum” also greates lower bound (GLB), means negative
    infinity (sic!) in CLP(FD), there is a name clash, cannot really serve as
    separate -infQ, since inf has already meaning +infF in SWI-Prolog.

  • No Values: inf sup are not available as values in CLP(FD), they appear only in the
    interval syntax, you cannot write the below. But this would be exactly required
    to have rational/1 applied to +infF and give +infQ, i.e. making the

    rational infinities first class citizens:

/* SWI-Prolog 9.1.0 */
?- use_module(library(clpfd)).

?- X #= sup.
ERROR: Domain error: `clpfd_expression' expected, found `sup'
  • Only Interval Bounds: On the other hand you can write the below. The
    interval syntax is both used when inputting constraints and when
    displaying solution constraints:
?- X in 1..sup.
X in 1..sup.

?- X #>= 1.
X in 1..sup.

See also:

Edit 20.01.2023
Markus Triskas CLP(FD) was rebranded into CLP(Z) for Scryer Prolog.
But I am not enough familiar with CLP(Z) so that I would know whether
the story of “inf” (negative infinity) and “sup” (positive infinity) has changed.

The above really only refers to the SWI-Prolog realization I am familar with.
One might also ask about Picat, ECLiPSe Prolog, SICStus Prolog which
exhibit further dialects of finite domain constraint logic programming.

I think rational(inf) being “undefined” means unsupported in SWIP. SWIP rationals are GMP rationals (type mpq_t) which, as far as I know, implement Q, not Q*. Similarly SWIP integers are a combination of C 64 bit integers and GMP unbounded integers (type mpz_t) which collectively implement Z, not Z*. Z is a subset of Q. SWIP F* is defined by the IEEE floating point standard.

So the set of SWIP numbers is currently the union of F*, Q and Z, lets call it As* for lack of a better name and includes two infinity values. (Interestingly, it also includes nan which is a member of F*. ) As* is a subset of R*. So the challenge is how to define the semantics of all the arithmetic functions over As*. Surely a few things have fallen through the cracks. Perhaps the value of rational(inf) should be 1.0Inf by analogy, since the value of integer(inf) and float(inf) are also 1.0Inf. There are also many functions which are restricted to subsets of As* and generate errors otherwise, e.g., rdiv only accepts rational arguments (members of Q), div only accepts integer arguments (members of Z), etc.

I’m not sure what the value is of adding more representations of infinity; it is what it is, a number larger than any finite value. The fact that its concrete internal representation is the IEEE infinity is an implementation detail; it was just the first one to the party and it is supported in hardware. F* defines a largest value less than infinity is because F is a finite set. For the same reason arithmetic on F* has rounding errors. (Overflow is just a special case of a rounding error.) Q and Z are infinite sets so they don’t define a largest finite value and don’t have rounding error issues. (They do have the practical issue of managing their memory size and performance.)

So that’s my “brainwriting” on current SWIP arithmetic. Holistically I think it all hangs together but I’m sure there are many debatable details. And as there is no accepted standard for extended arithmetics, there are probably many ways to skin this cat.

I won’t repeat myself, but suffice it to say I think the ISO standard and, by extension, most Prolog’s are wrong-headed. See CommonLisp and Python for two examples of languages that got it right (IMO). And the Eclipse proposal recognizes this, but really doesn’t go far enough (IMO).

Unless the domains of floats and integers are strictly defined, any comparison that is dependent on a conversion to a float is subject to rounding errors, of which overflow is a special case. But we apparently can’t fix Prolog because of this historical “baggage”, so it’s necessary to introduce new functions to achieve parity with CommonLisp. Additional errors can be used to catch some of the inconsistencies, but that isn’t close to solving the real problem (IMO).

I had a look at that. I first thought this was wrong, but I think it is ok. The code path occurs if one side of the comparison is a float and the other is a rational (or integer). In this case, the rational is converted to float and may thus end up as +/-Inf. Comparing infinity to a normal float gets the expected result. If the extended float flags are enabled the normal IEEE float rules apply, so that is fine too.

@ridgeworks , I pushed a patch for 0/0 to result in NaN if float_undefined is set to nan. See c92083831b0a6d63adf211292484a24653fa9d4e. This first resulted in NaN for 0 ^ -1, which should IMO still result in a division-by-zero error. That is because you passed the sign of the exponent to check_zero_div(), while I think that should pass 1 as N ^ -I is 1 / (N^I). Agree?

Can’t find everything back. Somewhere you claimed the exception may be used to fill in the right result. I doubt that is true. From the exception you do not know whether the extended float that would result is -Inf, +Inf or NaN. Using undefined for 0/0 you know you must use NaN, but in general you still don’t know whether you have positive or negative infinity in the case of division by zero, so t still is not enough. Note that exceptions typically do not tell you the expression involved. If you want extended floats you must set the flags.

The quotient 0/0 was the scope of another thread.

Shouldn’t this trigger an error, since the value of float_overflow is:

?- current_prolog_flag(float_overflow, X).
X = error.

I guess one could expect this behaviour as well:

?- 2^1024 > 0.0.
ERROR: Arithmetic: evaluation error: `float_overflow'

?- set_prolog_flag(float_overflow, infinity).

?- 2^1024 > 0.0.

Maybe this is not enough specified in Joachim Schimpfs list?
i.e. the scope of the flag float_overflow is somehow underspecified.

The Joachim Schimpf list neither excludes comparison nor
includes comparison in the scope of the flag float_overflow?

Edit 23.01.2023
Benefit, this identity would hold, since one argument of
the comparison is float, I would rather expect that this here holds:

Y is float(X), Y > 0.0      <=>        X > 0.0

But currently I cannot reproduce this identity in SWI-Prolog
with float_overflow=error:

?- Y is float(2^1024), Y > 0.0.
ERROR: Arithmetic: evaluation error: `float_overflow'

?- 2^1024 > 0.0.

This is also an identity which would not anymore hold if
SWI-Prolog had mathematically correct comparison, but I guess

it does not yet have mathematically correct comparison?

Yes, your patch looks good to me. 0^-1 should still generate a division-by-zero error as currently done:

?- X is 0** -1.
X = 1.0Inf.

?- X is -0.0** -1.
X = -1.0Inf.

?- X is 0.0** -1.
X = 1.0Inf.

Since the specific check_zero_div in question is specifically for 0 case, only a positive infinity can result.

When the scope of the catch predicate contains the expression, you can do useful things, e.g.,

catch(R is Exp, error(evaluation_error(Err)), fix_result(Err,R is Exp))

I remember doing something like this in pre-IEEE days to implement explicit rounding which could potentially overflow.

Another cry in the wilderness? Excerpt from the end of his discussion on numeric comparison, Richard O’Keefe, 2015 (

It is not possible to write a sorting predicate that correctly sorts mixed integer/float lists in ISO Prolog as it stands.

The change required has the effect of producing correct answers in more cases. Existing systems already have to be incompatible with the ISO Prolog standard’s errors noted above if they are to give sensible results, so we should not let backwards compatibility with the standard bind us here. Mistakes really should not be forever.

(Emphasis from the original.)

Just for the record, no action required.

True. We do not live in the pre-IEEE era though and you can still “fix” the result (be it that you might need an extra test). ISO demands zero_divisor, 0/0 divides by zero and raising zero_divisor, leads to a better error message. The only reason for undefined I can think of is that in all such cases the IEEE float result is NaN. Even that is not true on more complex expressions:

?- A is max(0 / 0, 1.0).
ERROR: Arithmetic: evaluation error: `zero_divisor'

While using float_undefined = nan, the result is 1.0.

That is true; having a separate error result just makes it a bit easier.

The other reason is that 0/0 (and equivalents) is actually not mathematically defined in the relevant algebraic field of interest (Z*, Q*, R*). That’s why IEEE arithmetic defines it this way for floats. When it comes to errors it’s not so significant because they effectively abort the computation; it’s left to the programmer to pick up the pieces.

True, because the max of NaN any any other number should be that number; see Eclipse proposal for floats. I don’t see why that shouldn’t be extended to other internal numeric types independent of how NaN is implemented.

According to the agreed compromise (with @jan) , correct comparisons are confined to the new arithmetic functions cmpr, maxr, and minr. Standard arithmetic comparison has not been changed and, by extension, neither has term comparison. The intent is that unless you use the new functions, nothing changes.

Since they’re arithmetic functions, a user would have to write a predicate for use with predsort/3; that shouldn’t be difficult.

So I think the only issue you might have is if there’s a conflict between the chosen function names and any predicates of arity 3 defined by your system.

We could have compare/3 do some of the job. Unlike ISO, which sorts all floats before all integers, SWI-Prolog orders numbers by value based on float comparison and puts the float first in case of a tie. Note that the most relevant property of compare/3 is to define a complete ordering of terms that only considers terms equal if they satisfy ==/2, i.e., are exactly the same. So, we could change his to perform the rational number based comparison and then (still) in case of a tie put the float first. I.e., 0.5 @< 1r2. That provides “correct” numerical ordered results from sort/2, although you need another pass to remove numerically equivalent pairs.

Yes, the semantics of (quiet) NaN’s in min/max seems to be split into two camps: treat NaN’s as missing data or propagate them.

IEEE specifies missing data (IEEE 754-2008 revision - Wikipedia):

In order to support operations such as windowing in which a NaN input should be quietly replaced with one of the end points, min and max are defined to select a number, x, in preference to a quiet NaN:

  • min(x,qNaN) = min(qNaN,x) = x
  • max(x,qNaN) = max(qNaN,x) = x

These functions are called minNum and maxNum to indicate their preference for a number over a quiet NaN.

(Signalling NaN’s complicate the issue so the latest revision clarifies this further.)

C and Rust are examples that are in the “missing data” camp. I think Java is in the “propagate” camp.

I haven’t seen any compelling arguments one way or the other; missing data seems to work well for my purposes.

No objection, but wasn’t this a major argument against making correct comparison the default behaviour? Am I missing something?

Is that any different than the status quo? (Some existing comparisons actually are numerically correct.)

My objection is about numerical comparison, e.g., =:=/2, </2, etc. compare/3 is about standard order. Different terms can never compare equal here, so if we have a float and a rational we have to put one before the other. Currently it simply puts the float first, but I see no objection to first see whether rational comparison can order them before placing the float first.

Yes. Now, if you want your correctly ordered list you’ll have to do quite a bit of work. Then you can use sort and walk over the list and remove either the first of the last of a tuple if cmpr says they are equal (depending on whether you want to keep the floats or the rationals). Note there are never three equal numbers as we have only two types that may be numerical equal.

My preference would go to propagating. For one, it is consistent with the default exception based semantics (which are your signalling NaNs). Second, a non-NaN answer means a sensible computation took place. Otherwise you can an answer, but you cannot trust it. A Prolog flag :frowning:

OK, so there’s no objection if the numerical comparison used by compare/3, and by implication sort/2, is correct. This does mean that the result of a sort will be (subtly) different going forward if this change is effected, i.e., you have changed the “Standard Order of Terms” which currently states:

  1. Numbers are compared by value. Mixed integer/float are compared as floats. If the comparison is equal, the float is considered the smaller value. If the Prolog flag iso is defined, all floating point numbers precede all integers.

(In any case that should probably say “Mixed rational/float”.)

And that does mean that that the numerical comparison for sorting numbers as terms is potentially different than the arithmetic compare predicates which, I think, is a bit unfortunate. Now for the vast majority of use-cases (integers less than 53 bits, and could be extended to 64 bits), there is no difference, i.e., converting integers to floats is perfectly correct. I don’t wish to reopen this can of worms, but it would be a whole lot simpler and user friendly (IMO) if correct comparison was extended to the domains of big integers and rational fractions. It’s just hard for me to imagine a credible program that depends on incorrect comparison under these circumstances.

And my preference is “missing value” as defined by IEEE and C, the underlying implementation language of SWIP. (also Eclipse?) I confess that I don’t completely see the rationale of IEEE’s definition of max/min with respect to NaN’s but it’s persisted for 35 years and nobody’s come up with a compelling argument against it, although there’s obviously less than full agreement. But it’s not hard to find discussions on the Web justifying/rationalizing the “missing value” interpretation.

If a user decides to use max/min, however they’re defined, it’s up to them to decide what a “sensible answer” is. From a practical standpoint, I don’t see a problem with using min/max to eliminate non-sensical answers in a computation, i.e., given two values I want to prefer an actual number rather than something that is not a number.

I don’t think there is any obvious right answer here; the only wrong answer IMO is another Prolog flag.

I meant Java. I got it from a table in this doc

Even though they’re represented by an IEEE floating point value, NaN’s are not really numbers so they violate most arithmetic (and logical) properties as you described. I believe ROK calls them “unordered” numbers and IEEE defines their behaviour which is usually honoured in programming languages supporting the standard.

As of the 2019 version of IEEE-754, the old single definition of minNum/maxNum has been replaced by two new versions, a “propagate” version and a “missing value” version, so I assume languages are free to implement either or both. (Not sure if these are required or just recommended.) I did see a C discussion indicating that they were just going to change the documentation for fmin and fmax to say they implemented the “missing value” functions. That’s undoubtedly a lot easier for them than adding new functions.

The new propagate version seems to be minimum and maximum.

The new missing value version seems to be minimumNumber and maximumNumber.

For SWI-Prolog, from

Float is “Not a number’'. See nan/0. May be produced if the Prolog flag float_undefined is set to nan. Although IEEE 754 allows NaN to carry a payload and have a sign, SWI-Prolog has only a single NaN values. Note that two NaN terms compare equal in the standard order of terms (==/2, etc.), they compare non-equal for arithmetic (=:=/2, etc.).

so only one NaN value supported; literal value is 1.5NaN. All C-level NaN’s are mapped to this single Prolog value.

I believe by design, there is no support for accessing the bit-level float representation. If you want to do that, you have to resort to some kind of C extension.

There is already float_parts/4, in SWI-Prolog, which implements
cmath frexp. But its not yet bidirectional. If it would also implement:

Generate value from significand and exponent

Maybe it could be made bidrectional. But I don’t know whether
it would allow to create a variety of NaNs. But you could
see to it that it does. I gues RawBytesToNumber() would do that
in JavaScript. But I didn’t try yet.