Day 9
Not really happy with it, my initial list version with append to find and splice lists was way too slow. Even this rbtree solutions takes 38 seconds on my M1 mac to solve part 2.
I tried to use rb_in
to walk in sort order to find the first eligible position, but had to add aggregate_all to that as well.
:- use_module(library(rbtrees)).
:- use_module(library(yall)).
digit(Ch,D) :- Ch >= 48, D is Ch - 48.
input(Fm) :- read_file_to_codes('day9.txt', Cs, []),
convlist(digit, Cs, I),
to_file_map(file-0, I, Fm).
to_file_map(_, [], []).
to_file_map(file-ID, [Size|Rest], Out) :-
length(File, Size),
maplist(=(ID), File),
succ(ID, ID1),
to_file_map(free-ID1, Rest, Fm0),
append(File, Fm0, Out).
to_file_map(free-ID, [Size|Rest], Out) :-
length(Free, Size),
maplist(=(f), Free),
to_file_map(file-ID, Rest, Fm0),
append(Free, Fm0, Out).
defrag(FileMap, Defragged) :-
reverse(FileMap, Reverse),
partition(=(f), Reverse, Free, ToMove0), % blocks to move
length(Free, Space),
length(ToMove, Space),
append(ToMove, _, ToMove0),
length(ToMove0, FileBlocks),
%writeln(to_move(ToMove0, ToMove)),
defrag_(FileBlocks, FileMap, ToMove, Defragged).
defrag_(0, _, _, []) :- !. % all fileblocks processed
defrag_(B, [f|Fm], [M|Move], [M|Rest]) :- B1 is B - 1, defrag_(B1, Fm, Move, Rest), !.
defrag_(B, [ID|Fm], Move, [ID|Rest]) :- B1 is B - 1, defrag_(B1, Fm, Move, Rest).
checksum(_, [], 0) :- !.
checksum(Pos, [f|Rest], CS) :- succ(Pos, Pos1), checksum(Pos1, Rest, CS), !.
checksum(Pos, [ID|Rest], CS) :-
succ(Pos, Pos1),
checksum(Pos1, Rest, CS0),
CS is Pos*ID + CS0.
checksum(FileBlocks, CS) :- checksum(0, FileBlocks, CS).
part1(A) :- input(I), defrag(I, D), checksum(D, A).
% contiguous file blocks
take_all(Val, [Val|Rest], [Val|Before], After) :-
take_all(Val, Rest, Before, After), !.
take_all(_, [], [], []) :- !.
take_all(Val, [X|Rest], [], [X|Rest]) :- Val \== X.
contiguous([], []) :- !.
contiguous([X|Rest0], [X-Len|Rest1]) :-
take_all(X, Rest0, Xs, Rest),
length([X|Xs], Len),
contiguous(Rest, Rest1), !.
part2(Ans) :-
contiguous(I, F),
% make a keyed with Type-Len-Pos
foldl([Type-Len,P0-T0,P1-T1]>>(rb_insert(T0, Type-Len-P0, 1, T1),
P1 is P0 + Len),
F, 0-Empty, _-Files),
% get all files to try moving
rb_fold([T-L-P-1,S0,S1]>>(T=f -> S1 = S0; S1=[T-L-P|S0]), Files, [], ToMove),
foldl(try_move, ToMove, Files, Moved),
checksum2(Moved, Ans).
try_move(Type-Len-FPos, FilesIn, FilesOut) :-
% Try to find a space in files, that has length at least Len,
(aggregate_all(min(Po, Sp),
(rb_in(f-Sp-Po, 1, FilesIn), Sp >= Len, Po < FPos),
min(Pos, Space))
-> (rb_delete(FilesIn, Type-Len-FPos, T0), % delete file from orig pos
rb_delete(T0, f-Space-Pos, T1), % delete empty space
rb_insert_new(T1, Type-Len-Pos, 1, T2), % insert file at new pos
(Space > Len
-> (Rem is Space - Len, Pos1 is Pos + Len,
rb_insert_new(T2, f-Rem-Pos1, 1, FilesOut))
; FilesOut = T2))
; FilesOut = FilesIn).
checksum2(Files, CS) :-
% Sum all files' positions*id
rb_fold([T-L-P-1, S0, S1]>>
( T=f
-> S0 = S1
; ( P1 is P + L - 1,
aggregate_all(sum(V), (between(P,P1,N), V is N * T), CS),
S1 is S0 + CS )),
Files, 0, CS).