So, I have managed to use compound terms to store the state of the dijkstra algorithm, as well as using compound terms to store the graph and another for its weights.
I found that it will significantly reduce the runtime of the algorithm and be somewhat close (albeit slower) to the runtime of networkx !
Now, the runtime of the algorithm is dominated by the min heap operations.
I have made complete test script with both the red black tree and compound term approach as well as using networkx with the awesome janus interface:
test script
:- use_module(library(rbtrees)).
:- use_module(library(heaps)).
add(A, B, C) :- C is A+B.
update_distances1(Start, End, NewDistance, TreeIn-HeapIn, TreeOut-HeapOut) :-
( rb_lookup(End, Val, TreeIn)
-> ( Val = unvisited(CurrentDistance, _),
NewDistance < CurrentDistance
-> rb_update(TreeIn, End, unvisited(NewDistance, Start), TreeOut),
add_to_heap(HeapIn, NewDistance, End, HeapOut)
; TreeIn = TreeOut,
HeapIn = HeapOut
; rb_insert(TreeIn, End, unvisited(NewDistance, Start), TreeOut),
add_to_heap(HeapIn, NewDistance, End, HeapOut)
get_unvisited_min_node1(Tree, HeapIn, P, K, HeapOut) :-
get_from_heap(HeapIn, PTmp, KTmp, HeapTmp),
( rb_lookup(KTmp, Val, Tree)
-> ( Val = unvisited(_, _)
-> HeapTmp = HeapOut,
P = PTmp, K = KTmp
; get_unvisited_min_node1(Tree, HeapTmp, P, K, HeapOut)
; HeapTmp = HeapOut,
P = PTmp, K = KTmp
build_path1(Tree, From, To, From) :-
rb_lookup(To, visited(From), Tree).
:- meta_predicate dijkstra1(+, 3, +, +, -).
dijkstra1(Graph, Edge, Start, End, Path) :-
ord_list_to_rbtree(Graph, GraphTree),
list_to_rbtree([Start-unvisited(0, no)], TreeIn),
dijkstra_1(GraphTree, Edge, Start, End, 0, TreeIn, TreeOut, Heap),
once(foldl(build_path1(TreeOut), ReversePath, End, Start)),
reverse([End | ReversePath], Path).
dijkstra_1(Graph, Edge, Start, End, CurrentDistance, TreeIn, TreeOut, Heap) :-
rb_lookup(Start, Neighbours, Graph),
maplist(call(Edge, Start), Neighbours, NeighboursWeights),
maplist(add(CurrentDistance), NeighboursWeights, NeighboursDistances),
Neighbours, NeighboursDistances,
TreeIn-Heap, Tree2-Heap2),
rb_update(Tree2, Start, unvisited(_, StartPrev), visited(StartPrev), Tree3),
get_unvisited_min_node1(Tree3, Heap2, NextDistance, NextNode, Heap3),
( NextNode == End
-> rb_update(Tree3, End, unvisited(_, EndPrev), visited(EndPrev), TreeOut)
; dijkstra_1(Graph, Edge, NextNode, End, NextDistance, Tree3, TreeOut, Heap3)
update_distances2(State, Start, End, NewDistance, HeapIn, HeapOut) :-
arg(End, State, Val),
( nonvar(Val)
-> ( Val = unvisited(CurrentDistance, _),
NewDistance < CurrentDistance
-> nb_setarg(End, State, unvisited(NewDistance, Start)),
add_to_heap(HeapIn, NewDistance, End, HeapOut)
; HeapIn = HeapOut
; arg(End, State, unvisited(NewDistance, Start)),
add_to_heap(HeapIn, NewDistance, End, HeapOut)
get_unvisited_min_node2(State, HeapIn, P, K, HeapOut) :-
get_from_heap(HeapIn, PTmp, KTmp, HeapTmp),
( arg(KTmp, State, Val)
-> ( Val = unvisited(_, _)
-> HeapTmp = HeapOut,
P = PTmp, K = KTmp
; get_unvisited_min_node2(State, HeapTmp, P, K, HeapOut)
; HeapTmp = HeapOut,
P = PTmp, K = KTmp
build_path2(State, From, To, From) :-
arg(To, State, visited(From)).
add_to_heap_(Default, Key, HeapIn, HeapOut) :-
add_to_heap(HeapIn, Default, Key, HeapOut).
:- meta_predicate dijkstra2(+, 3, +, +, -).
dijkstra2(Graph, Edge, Start, End, Path) :-
pairs_values(Graph, Neighbours),
compound_name_arguments(GraphCompound, graph, Neighbours),
length(Graph, NumNodes),
compound_name_arity(State, state, NumNodes),
arg(Start, State, unvisited(0, no)),
dijkstra_2(GraphCompound, Edge, Start, End, 0, State, Heap),
once(foldl(build_path2(State), ReversePath, End, Start)),
reverse([End | ReversePath], Path).
dijkstra_2(Graph, Edge, Start, End, CurrentDistance, State, Heap) :-
arg(Start, Graph, Neighbours),
maplist(call(Edge, Start), Neighbours, NeighboursWeights),
maplist(add(CurrentDistance), NeighboursWeights, NeighboursDistances),
foldl(update_distances2(State, Start),
Neighbours, NeighboursDistances,
Heap, Heap2),
arg(Start, State, unvisited(_, StartPrev)),
nb_setarg(Start, State, visited(StartPrev)),
get_unvisited_min_node2(State, Heap2, NextDistance, NextNode, Heap3),
( NextNode == End
-> arg(End, State, unvisited(_, EndPrev)),
nb_setarg(End, State, visited(EndPrev))
; dijkstra_2(Graph, Edge, NextNode, End, NextDistance, State, Heap3)
random_directed_edge(Low, High, Weights, Start-End, -(Start, End, Weight), (Start-End)-Weight) :-
random_between(Low, High, Start),
random_between(Low, High, End),
random_between(Low, High, Weight),
arg(Start, Weights, Ends),
memberchk(End-Weight, Ends).
weight1(Weights, From, To, Distance) :-
rb_lookup(From-To, Distance, Weights).
weight2(Weights, From, To, Distance) :-
arg(From, Weights, Ends),
memberchk(To-Distance, Ends).
random_graph(NumNodes, NumEdges, UGraph, weight1(RbWeights), weight2(Weights), NxGraph) :-
numlist(1, NumNodes, Nodes),
length(Edges, NumEdges),
compound_name_arity(Weights, weights, NumNodes),
maplist(random_directed_edge(1, NumNodes, Weights), Edges, Tuples, Pairs),
list_to_rbtree(Pairs, RbWeights),
vertices_edges_to_ugraph(Nodes, Edges, UGraph),
py_call(networkx:'DiGraph'(), NxGraph, [py_object(true)]),
main(Seed, X) :-
N is 10**X,
M is N*2,
random_graph(N, M, UGraph, Edge1, Edge2, NxGraph),
random_between(1, N, Start),
random_between(1, N, End),
format("Prolog dijkstra 1~n"),
time(dijkstra1(UGraph, Edge1, Start, End, Path)),
format("Prolog dijkstra 2~n"),
time(dijkstra2(UGraph, Edge2, Start, End, Path)),
format("Networkx dijkstra~n"),
time(py_call(networkx:dijkstra_path(NxGraph, Start, End))).
Here are some notable results:
?- set_prolog_flag(stack_limit, 2_147_483_648).
?- main(1, 6). % run dijkstra on random graph with 1M nodes and 2M edges
Prolog dijkstra 1 % red black tree approach
% 455,909,369 inferences, 44.604 CPU in 44.738 seconds (100% CPU, 10221305 Lips)
Prolog dijkstra 2 % compound term approach
% 88,561,958 inferences, 9.340 CPU in 9.367 seconds (100% CPU, 9481945 Lips)
Networkx dijkstra
% -1 inferences, 6.474 CPU in 6.495 seconds (100% CPU, 0 Lips)