Ann: SWI-Prolog 9.3.6

Good. But, was it installed as dependency for SWI-Prolog, some other package or explicitly by you?

It provides library(archive) that is used to install packs that are distributed as archives. The library provides support for (un)packing many archive formats as well as (de)compression formats.

Perhaps by me for compiling swi-prolog from git source.

Now homebrew seems to upgrade swi-prolog HEAD version. I guess this is due to your updated (?) formula for swi-prolog. In fact, I stashed the uncommitted formula of mine for swi-prolog.

I have never contributed to the homebrew formula. I once tried to get it into sync with the Macports portfile. The Macports version was started by Paulo Moura if I recall correctly and is now updated for each release by me. 99% automated and the Macport maintainers are very cooperative in solving occasional issues. I didnā€™t succeed in getting it accepted as I wanted it to be with homebrew, so I abandoned this route. Probably they will accept missing dependencies. I leave that to the homebrew users.

Iā€™d like to see the system as much as possible the same on all platforms regardless of the way it is installed and regardless of the package manager used. That is often a difficult process as each of the packaging systems have their own policies they like to stick to (which also makes sense).

I have checked again the formula by homebrew command ā€œbrew edit swi-prologā€. It is still difficult for me to imagine that someone else could write such a magical formula for swi-prolog. Anyway I must thank the author, and also you who gave foundation for the formula to be available as real for the user.

I have noticed that version information differs. One
is 9.3.5, the other 9.3.7. I have installed the latest swi-prolog using Homebrew with option --HEAD.

% which swipl

% swipl
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 9.3.5-112-gfb45178eb)
?- halt.

% swipl --version
SWI-Prolog version 9.3.7 for arm64-darwin

The welcome banner and swipl --version use different implementations. The fact that the number differs suggest they are doing something weird with the download from git. The banner version is derived from git describe, which describes the version as the last matching tag (9.3.5) and the number of commits thereafter (112).

I verified that the 9.3.7 release tag is pushed to github, so I consider this a homebrew issue.

As far as I have tested on four devices, they have the same problem. So I agree that it may be a homebrew issue.

In fact, I guess the problem is reproducible on macOS,
and also on linuxbrew on linux.

% brew uninstall swi-prolog
% brew cleanup
% brew doctor
% brew install swi-prolog --HEAD
% swipl --version
% swipl