Hightlight.js wasm test page

Note: This page is to demonstrate that for highlight.js the name wasm and webassembly are not working.


  (import "js" "memory" (memory 1))
  (import "js" "table" (table 1 funcref))
  (type $void_to_i32 (func (result i32)))
  (func (export "doIt") (result i32)
   i32.const 0
   i32.const 42
   i32.store  ;; store 42 at address 0
   i32.const 0
   call_indirect (type $void_to_i32))


  (import "js" "memory" (memory 1))
  (import "js" "table" (table 1 funcref))
  (type $void_to_i32 (func (result i32)))
  (func (export "doIt") (result i32)
   i32.const 0
   i32.const 42
   i32.store  ;; store 42 at address 0
   i32.const 0
   call_indirect (type $void_to_i32))


For Highlight.js languages webassembly or wasm are not in the list and not working

It seems Discourse has updated to a new highlight.js version which works with wasm. Enjoy. :slightly_smiling_face: