As is, this has no clean solution in the plain SWI-Prolog module system. One possible option is to define ancestor/2 as a meta predicate and import it into the module that provides the parent/2 relation. That would look like
:- meta_predicate ancestor(:,?).
ancestor(M:A, B) :-
ancestor(A,B,M) :-
ancestor(A,C,M) :-
ancestor(B, C, M).
This is rather ugly. I’d probably go for
:- meta_predicate ancestor(2, ?, ?).
ancestor(Rel, A, B) :-
call(Rel, A, B).
ancestor(Rel, A, C) :-
call(Rel, A, B),
ancestor(Rel, B, C).
After which you can rename ancestor to something like transitive_closure.
E.g., XSB has parameterized modules. Possibly SWI-Prolog should get these too at some time …