How to use of upcase_atom/2 to get uppercase letters in an output

Thanks. My interest was only in the Prolog code to built for example Weakening on the left in L&, or Weaking on the right in Rv .

Yes. I got it. But the add of & on the left is a Weakening disguised, idem for the disjunction on the right, and I do not succeed to make it.

I do not doubt that you are right. I will trying to use your work to run this fork only with SWI-Prolog and your pretty-printer. I hope that I will be able to do it.

I do not see this link. :frowning:

Good news. I was just able to use your full program with latexer in my emacs:

?- prove0((a => a), []).
\begin{prooftree}\RightLabel{$ax$} \AxiomC{} \UnaryInfC{$a \vdash a$}\RightLabel{$R\!\!\!\implies$} \UnaryInfC{$ \vdash a \implies a$}\end{prooftree}

Now, it should be possible to capitalize the propositional variables, how?

Latex commands \uppercase and \MakeUppercase should work … and indeed, it works. Solved.

I come back to my initial question. I have understood that with

provable(('P' => 'P'), Proof).

I get the output


But from the point of view of the user of a theorem prover, it is very tedious and source of errors. I’m trying desperately to find some lines of Prolog code in order to have as input

provable((p => p), Proof).

and nevertheless getting the same output i.e. with upper case atoms.

Thanks, but I do not have access to a program via your link.
It’s irritating that getting uppercase output for a theorem prover in Prolog seems to be so difficult. :frowning:
I remember by contrast the magic .toUpperCase(); in javascript…
Other sad point: I do not find a clear HowTo in order to learn pretty printing in Prolog. Nothing on this topic, except some programs online… :frowning:

I have not followed all the complex details in this thread, but if your problem is just to transform of some parts of a term, seems you could use (for instance) string_upper/2 in a standard recursive visit of the term (that is, decompose and rebuild using =…/2), or the new mapargs/3 .
With this last

term_lower_upper(Lower,Upper) :-

?- term_lower_upper(p(a,b,c),U),writeln(U).
U = p("A", "B", "C").

But maybe I misunderstood the problem…

Thanks, Carlo.
Today I just succeed to get the half that I want., writing:

prove(G>D, rcond(G>D,P)):-

with the input

?- provable((a => a), Proof).

I get the output:

Prolog output : rcond([]>[(a=>a)],ax([A]>[A],A))

\begin{prooftree}\RightLabel{$\scriptsize{Ax.}$} \AxiomC{} \UnaryInfC{$ A \vdash A $}\RightLabel{$\scriptsize{R\to}$} \UnaryInfC{$  \vdash a \to a $}\end{prooftree}

and I do not succeed to go inside the molecular formula a => a to
“upcase” atom a.

I would avoid to change prove/2… instead, transform at once after prove/2 succeeded…

term_lower_upper(Lower,Upper) :-
    (   compound(Lower)
    ->  mapargs(term_lower_upper,Lower,Upper)
    ;   is_list(Lower)
    ->  maplist(term_lower_upper,Lower,Upper)
    ;   atomic(Lower) % this should be useless, but let's throw an exception just in case...
    ->  upcase_atom(Lower,Upper)
    ;   throw(term_lower_upper(Lower,Upper))

?- term_lower_upper(p(a,b,[c,d>b,e]),U),writeln(U).
U = p('A', 'B', ['C', 'D'>'B', 'E']).

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Thanks Carlo. I see also j4n_bur53’s message. I am going to test these solutions. I’ll keep you informed.

Thanks @j4n_bur53 ! I need to learn DCG syntax…

Many thanks Carlo for this very elegant solution. It works perfectly inside @j4n_bur53 latexer.p (pretty printer for LaTeX). I wrote provable predicate as folllows:

% -----------------------------------------------------------------
        write('Prolog output : '), write(P),
% -----------------------------------------------------------------

with adding you code at the end of the prolog prover, before the petty-printer and now:

?- provable((p => p), Proof).
% 10 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (95% CPU, 144776 Lips)

Prolog output : rcond([]>[(p=>p)],ax([p]>[p],p))

\begin{prooftree}\RightLabel{$\scriptsize{Ax.}$} \AxiomC{} \UnaryInfC{$ P \vdash P $}\RightLabel{$\scriptsize{R\to}$} \UnaryInfC{$  \vdash P \to P $}\end{prooftree}

:grinning: :clap: :+1:

Congratulations. That is very nice.

It should be impossible in theory, because F.O. predicate calculus is semi-decidable, by contrast with its propositional calculus part which is decidable. In my opinion, you know better than me that the explanation of this fact lies in Löwenheim-Skolem theorems, irrelevant to this forum. Thanks for having pointed out to me this point with your Socratic question.

An excellent book, indeed.

Thanks, because indeed, it seems to be a real improvement on efficiency, at least for some formulas:

For Pelletier problem 17, with your leantap code:

% 236 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (100% CPU, 502667 Lips)

with leanseq now:

% 891 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (99% CPU, 2262915 Lips)

But this leantap fails to prove Pelletier problem 71,

  % 85,505,302 inferences, 11.798 CPU in 11.799 seconds (100% CPU, 7247370 Lips)
ERROR: Stack limit (1.0Gb) exceeded
ERROR:   Stack sizes: local: 3Kb, global: 0.9Gb, trail: 25.9Mb
ERROR:   Stack depth: 54, last-call: 54%, Choice points: 6
ERROR:   In:
ERROR:     [54] user:prove(<compound (>)/2>, <compound lbicond/3>)
ERROR:     [52] user:prove(<compound (>)/2>, <compound lbicond/3>)
ERROR:     [50] user:prove(<compound (>)/2>, <compound lbicond/3>)
ERROR:     [48] user:prove(<compound (>)/2>, <compound lbicond/3>)
ERROR:     [46] user:prove(<compound (>)/2>, <compound lbicond/3>)

a formula provable with this fork of . The failure seems to be caused by the left biconditionnal rule.
I will have a closer look on this point later on (but maybe the removal of the deterministic select/3 could be finally a bad thing?)

Very impressive. Congratulations !

It is not my system, but only small changes from Zucker-Otten’s program. You just proved that there is still more efficient. Congrats again.