I am trying to format the output from the meta interpreter to a more readable form. When using main0
below which has portray_clause/1
i get a nice replacement of clpr variables as A, B, etc; the problem with main0
is that the proof just gets printed on a long line with a lot of nesting which is hard to read. With main1
i get the desired readability, but the problem is that i somehow loose variable names (A, B, etc).
Does anybody know how to fix this?
wins(somebody, _).
healthy(somebody, _).
rich(X, P1):-
wins(X, P0), {P1 = 0.5 * P0}.
happy(X, P3):-
rich(X, P1), healthy(X, P2), {P3 = P1 * P2}.
main0:-prove(happy(somebody, _), Proof), portray_clause(Proof).
main1:-prove(happy(somebody, _), Proof), showProof(Proof).
X = subproof(G, P),
\+(P = true),
write('Prove: '), portray_clause(G), nl,
write('Proof: '), portray_clause(P), nl, nl,
X = subproof(G, true),
write('Prove: '), portray_clause(G), nl,
write('Proof: '), write(true), nl, nl.
X = ','(A, B),
\+(A = true), \+(B = true),
prove(true, true):-!.
prove((G1, G2), (P1, P2)) :-
prove(G1, P1),
prove(G2, P2).
prove((G1;_), P1) :- prove(G1, P1).
prove((_;G2), P2) :- prove(G2, P2).
prove(G, P):- G = {_}, !, call(G), P = subproof(G, true).
prove(H, subproof(H, Subproof)) :- clause(H, Body), prove(Body, Subproof).