Named variables as predicate interfaces?

Suppose I have a predicate:

where_tok_child_tok_child(TokTest,   % Predicate, TokTest(tokchild)
    A, AChildMatched, A_, AChildMatched_) :-
        tok_child(A, AChildMatched),    % ndet,  member(AChildMatched, A's children)
        call(TokTest, AChildMatched),

?- where_tok_child_tok_child([Tok]>>tok_attr(Tok, pos, noun), 
    A, AChildMatched, 
    A_, AChildMatched_).

Is it possible to implement where_tok_child_tok_child such that it expects a term as its first parameter that must contain Tok as a named Variable? In which case it could more simply be used as:

    tok_attr(Tok, pos, noun),    % match_child expects Tok as a variable.
    A, AChildMatched, 
    A_, AChildMatched_)

For this particular example it would also let me simplify the interface as:

    tok_attr(Tok, pos, noun),    % match_child expected Tok as a variable.
    A, Tok, 
    A_, Tok_)

Perhaps its the case that frame boundaries prohibit this, though, perhaps there’s another way to supply variables with names to a new frame?