New hashtable library

Reran the benchmarks using foreach/2 instead of forall/2.
With the old regular foreach/2:

          Database raw and crude micro benchmark           
                     1,000,000 entries                     
Database  Operation                              Wall time
--------  ---------                              ---------
trie      1st lookup  .......................... 0.252 secs.
rec       1st lookup  .......................... 0.305 secs.
nb        1st lookup  .......................... 0.772 secs.
asrt      1st lookup  .......................... 0.864 secs.
consult   1st lookup  .......................... 0.872 secs.
hashtable 1st lookup  .......................... 1.643 secs.

trie      2nd lookup  .......................... 0.251 secs.
rec       2nd lookup  .......................... 0.306 secs.
asrt      2nd lookup  .......................... 0.356 secs.
consult   2nd lookup  .......................... 0.359 secs.
nb        2nd lookup  .......................... 0.778 secs.
hashtable 2nd lookup  .......................... 1.616 secs.

nb        insert      .......................... 0.305 secs.
trie      insert      .......................... 0.339 secs.
rec       insert      .......................... 0.410 secs.
asrt      insert      .......................... 0.582 secs.
hashtable insert      .......................... 4.852 secs.
consult   insert      .......................... 21.153 secs.

With the new foreach/2:

          Database raw and crude micro benchmark           
                     1,000,000 entries                     
Database  Operation                              Wall time
--------  ---------                              ---------
nb        1st lookup  .......................... 0.406 secs.
trie      1st lookup  .......................... 0.497 secs.
rec       1st lookup  .......................... 0.614 secs.
consult   1st lookup  .......................... 1.084 secs.
asrt      1st lookup  .......................... 1.087 secs.
hashtable 1st lookup  .......................... 1.612 secs.

nb        2nd lookup  .......................... 0.412 secs.
trie      2nd lookup  .......................... 0.503 secs.
consult   2nd lookup  .......................... 0.581 secs.
asrt      2nd lookup  .......................... 0.589 secs.
rec       2nd lookup  .......................... 0.671 secs.
hashtable 2nd lookup  .......................... 1.585 secs.

nb        insert      .......................... 0.586 secs.
trie      insert      .......................... 0.610 secs.
asrt      insert      .......................... 0.836 secs.
rec       insert      .......................... 1.059 secs.
hashtable insert      .......................... 4.585 secs.
consult   insert      .......................... 21.302 secs.

So overall doesn’t seem to be an improvement speedwise.
EDIT: both runs were using the -O switch.

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