Prolog dictionaries

I was once involved in a mail conversation about this, where I thought I had some good argument for why dicts may be nice to have, as well as some good arguments against. I repeat them here:

Why dicts might be great to have in Web Prolog

A. They map naturally to JSON. This might be a great feature in a web programming language.

B. If messages were dicts instead of ordinary terms, then instead of

wait_answer(Query, Pid) :-
        failure(Pid) -> fail;
        error(Pid, Exception) ->
        success(Pid, Solutions, true) ->
            (   member(Query, Solutions)
            ;   pengine_next(Pid),
                wait_answer(Query, Pid)
        success(Pid, Solutions, false) ->
            member(Query, Solutions)

they would allow us to write something like this (untested!):

wait_answer(Query, Pid) :-
        failure{pid:Pid} -> fail;
        error{pid:Pid} = Msg ->
        success{pid:Pid, more:true} = Msg ->
            (   member(Query,
            ;   pengine_next(Pid),
                wait_answer(Query, Pid)
        success{pid:Pid} = Msg ->

The advantage of the second formulation is that it would work even if (say) the success dict was extended with (say) timing information. Note that the success terms in library(pengines) now have no less than five arguments (success(ID, Data, Projection, Time, More)). In the first formulation we would have to match all of them using anonymous variables for the arguments that we perhaps are not interested in. Using dicts we can easily avoid that.

C. I also think that sideways open dicts would be great to have. This is something that does not appear in other Web standards, but which would fit in very well in a web-enabled Prolog dialect such as
Web Prolog. Supporting JSON terms would show Web Prolog cares enough about web formats to treat JSON as a first class citizen. This is likely to look good in the eyes of the W3C, since JSON unification is something which seems to both fit in very well with Prolog and to be very useful when manipulating JSON. I once wrote this proposal:

Computational linguists would love them, and in combination with the close relationship between dicts and JSON, we could argue that we offer JSON unification.

On the other hand… my own emphasis is on the notion of an actor and the abstractions (pengines and non-deterministic RPC) built on top of actors. Strings or no strings, dicts or no dicts - I see that as less important. It would work either way.

The problem I mention as point B can of course be solved like so instead:

wait_answer(Query, Pid) :-
        failure(Pid) -> fail;
        error(Pid, Exception) ->
        success(Pid, Solutions, true, _) ->
            (   member(Query, Solutions)
            ;   pengine_next(Pid),
                wait_answer(Query, Pid)
        success(Pid, Solutions, false, _) ->
            member(Query, Solutions)

That is, each message is be given just one more argument, where information such as timing informations and projections can be stored if they are accessible and if you need it. This might be a (possibly empty) list of terms such as time(T), projections(Ps), so that you, if you want to select a receive clause on the basis of this information, can use memberchk/2 in the following manner:

        success(Pid, Solutions, true, Info)
            when memberchk(time(T), Info) ->

(Independent of the use of data type, we probably want to introduce options that can be passed to pengine_spawn/2 or pengine_ask/3 in order to “ask” for such information when the caller needs it.)

So, B is perhaps no big deal.

I’m also aware of the existence of the old method for representing JSON, the one that was used when SWI-Prolog didn’t have strings or dicts. That would work too, I suppose, although, if I remember well,
the representation has a problem distinguishing a list of integers from a string, something which JSON does. In my experience, one can live with that. It might be solvable without introducing strings. So my point A is no big deal either, I suppose.