Stripped out modules, unit test no longer work

I am almost out of ideas and horridly frustrated at my inability to once again understand the docs. I’ve read the text regarding the user modules, load_test_files, and yet none of it makes any sense.

How does one write an application in traditional (no modules) and then unit test that applications predicates using begin_test ? I have tried ensure_loaded and all other things, even this page didn’t provide an answer;

If I prefix the predicate under test with user: then it works but I really don’t want to have to do that. I tried adding :-module(user) just after the begin_test but that had no effect.

My project structure is:

       *.pl and *.plt files

In my load file I have this set as the initialisation predicate but Eclipse PDT seems not to run it so I have to manually run setup/0 each time,

:- initialization(setup).
setup :-
    set_prolog_flag(encoding, utf8),
    expand_file_name('src/*.pl', Sources),
    % This makes PDT in Eclipse better!
    working_directory(_, '/Users/sean/Documents/code/prolog/f2').

A typical testing scenario:

:- begin_tests(buffer_location).
    [true(Out == (1001, 101, 0))]) :-
    movepos(0'\n, (1000, 100, 200), Out).
:- end_tests(buffer_location).

This FAILS unless I put user:movepos as that’s where the predicate lives now rather than the module it used to be in…

plunit_buffer_location:'unit body'/2: Unknown procedure: plunit_buffer_location:movepos/3

I’ve tried adding :-ensure_loaded(tokeniser),

Once again I find myself fighting the environment instead of doing something within it.


Maybe I am too dumb after all, I mean if you can’t figure out something this simple, writing tests, then really, ought you to be in the game at all ?