Toward ZDD library in SWI-Prolog

OK. I see. My understanding the subexpression problem is not sufficient.

The results …, 48, 720, 23040, … are correct. You can look it up here:

Order of orthogonal group O(n, GF(2)).
…, 48, 720, 23040, …

Thanks. I have registered at the site. I will seek appropriate exercises solvable for benchmark.

OK. I will do so. Thanks.

The sequence 1, 2, 6, 48, 720, 23040, … at the site is that of orthogonal group O(n, GF(2)). The Galois filed GF(2) is different from the boolean algebra B. 1+1= 0 in GF(2) but 1+1 =1 in B. Surely, I took the problem as that in the Boolean algebra. In fact, my solutions uses boolean law heavily, including the duality law on + and * in nature. Thus the different sequences of solutions might not be strange. You solved GF(2) problem via the Boolean algebra, which sounds great, I think. I heard of boolean ring, but not of boolean field. So it is a little bit fresh and surprising.

It is highly probable. There are several simplifications on handling sets of clauses of literals based on the duality law, which I am not 100 percent sure. I will check codes, and post the result. Thanks for reviewing my codes. By the way, I took x#y simply as not (x=y), not as Exclusive OR. However after amending it, the result is the same as before. Hmmmmmm, I will borrow your codes at the url posted for further checking.

So, negation operation is not used in the problem. That seems good idea.

Thanks for note on boolean ring.

I have noticed that I have to rewrite, at least, boolean macro expansion of my codes.
How many bugs are there in the codes !

I have rewritten drastically codes on expanding macros for boolean expression for ZDD, though
this time, drastically slow.

% ?- time(galois(7, C)).  
%@ % 11,791,150,624 inferences, 1841.975 CPU in 1860.820 seconds (99% CPU, 6401364 Lips)
%@ C = 1451520.

It was the first run. This version on O(n, GF(2)) using new macro expansion is very slow as the log says, for which I am disappointed. But that unbelievable time statistics was due to my big mistakes in codes. (galois(7, C) was jburse(7, C) only for now)

I am erroneous. In fact, I made big ones. So this time, I have rewritten macros in a simple way so that less mistakes would happen. This macro definition is supposed to be used in conjunction with ZDD. De Morgan law seems a bottle neck of my use for ZDD, so this macro moves outer negation into inner. So this macro takes care of negation in a special way. (Double negation, for instance).

% ?- make_boole_canonical(a->(b->c), R).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(a=b, R).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(+([a, b]), R).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(-(+([a, b])), R).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(-(*([a, b])), R).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(-(a+b), X).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(-(a+ -b), X).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(-(a = -b), X).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(-(-a = - -b), X).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(-(-(0) = - (-(0))), X).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(-(0), X).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(-(-(0)), X).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(p(1,1), X).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(true, X).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(false, X).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(-false, X).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(-true, X).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(- - -true, X).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(exor(a, b), X).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(nand(a, b), X).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(- nand(a, b), X).
% ?- make_boole_canonical(- #(a, b), X).
make_boole_canonical(X, Y):- make_boole_canonical(X, Y, boole_macro).
:- meta_predicate  make_boole_canonical(?, ?, :).
make_boole_canonical(-(-(X)),  Y, Pred):-!,
	make_boole_canonical(X, Y, Pred).
make_boole_canonical(-(X), Y, Pred):- make_boole_canonical(X, X0, Pred), !,
	(	de_morgan(X0, Y) -> true
	;	Y = -(X0)
make_boole_canonical(X, Y, Pred):- default_boole_macro(X, X0),!,
	make_boole_canonical(X0, Y, Pred).
make_boole_canonical(X, Y, Pred):- call(Pred, X, X0), !,
	make_boole_canonical(X0, Y, Pred).
make_boole_canonical(X, X, _).

default_boole_macro(X->Y,		-X + Y).
default_boole_macro(X=Y,	(X->Y)*(Y->X)).
default_boole_macro(nand(X,Y), -(X*Y)).
default_boole_macro(exor(X,Y),  (X + Y) * (-(X * Y))).
canonical_boole(X):- integer(X).
canonical_boole(+(X)):- is_list(X).
canonical_boole(*(X)):- is_list(X).

boole_macro(true,		1).
boole_macro(false,		0).
boole_macro(X=:=Y,		X=Y).
boole_macro(X ~ Y,		X=Y).
boole_macro(X <-> Y,	X=Y).
boole_macro(X <=> Y,	X=Y).
boole_macro(\/(X,Y),	+(X,Y)).
boole_macro(\(X),		-(X)).
boole_macro(/\(X, Y),	*(X,Y)).
boole_macro((X;Y),		+(X,Y)).
boole_macro(X\=Y,		-(X=Y)).
boole_macro(\+(X),		-(X)).
boole_macro((X,Y),		*(X,Y)).
boole_macro(#(X,Y),	exor(X,Y)).
boole_macro(equiv(X,Y), X=Y).
boole_macro(imply(X,Y),	-(X) + Y).
boole_macro(not(X),		-(X)).
boole_macro(and(X,Y),	*(X,Y)).
boole_macro(or(X,Y),	+(X,Y)).

de_morgan(1,	0).
de_morgan(0,	1).
de_morgan(-(X), X).			% double negation.
de_morgan(*(X, Y), (-X) + (-Y)).	% de Morgan
de_morgan(+(X, Y), (-X) * (-Y)).	% de Morgan
de_morgan(*(X), +(Y)):- maplist(negate_macro, X, Y).
de_morgan(+(X), *(Y)):- maplist(negate_macro, X, Y).

pred_plus(A, U, A + U).
pred_mul(A, U, A * U).
negate_macro(X, -(X)).

Sounds interesting discovery based on your insight of the symmetric property on O(n, qf(2)).

For negation symbol, “~” may be better than arithmetic prefix “-”.
In fact, I took a while for debugging caused by using -0 for -(0), and realized this.
(0 is for the boolean false here.)

?- write_canonical(-0).

?-  write_canonical(-(0)).

?- write_canonical(-a).

However, as far as my private use concerned, I prefer - to ~, only because of keyboard typing, but I am flexible on this.

No. I have no idea how to use that idea. I am new on “symmetry breaking.”

Anyway, Congratulation ! It sounds like a kind of breaking-through news.

Here it is.

% ?- time(galois(4, C)).
%@ % 2,084,489 inferences, 0.163 CPU in 0.168 seconds (97% CPU, 12783727 Lips)
%@ C = 48.
% ?- time(galois(5, C)).
%@ % 34,582,341 inferences, 3.758 CPU in 3.815 seconds (99% CPU, 9202632 Lips)
%@ C = 720.
% ?- time(galois(6, C)).
%@ % 583,472,162 inferences, 55.405 CPU in 56.636 seconds (98% CPU, 10531009 Lips)
%@ C = 23040.

pac-1.5.7.tgz is underway. However I have made a lot of revisions to the pac-1.5.6. For instance, more than 10 thousand lines of codes on ZDD has become less than three thousand ones. I have to continue this editing work. More worse, an interesting (new?) idea has come to me on ZDD application, which is difficult for me to put aside. When a prototype of the idea will works, I wish include it the next version as a sample application of the ZDD library. Also I have the “Minato challege problem”, which seems desperately difficult for me for now, but I would like to try it as a test stone of ZDD towards a “SWI-Prolog package”.

With macros untouched, here is the result.

% ?- sat(X+Y), sat_count(C).
%@ C = 3.
% ?- sat(Z*T), sat_count(C).
%@ C = 1.
% ?- sat(X+Y=:=Z*T), sat_count(C).
%@ C = 6.
% ?- sat(X+Y=Z*T), sat_count(C).
%@ C = 6.

I may be missing the point. Anyway, for me, xor is simply a macro like .

I think it is a nice idea of yours to transform the counting the group O(n, GF(2)) into Boolean algebras by the coordinate transformation, which obviously is a bijection (one-to-one onto). So, I must say, what is the problem ? I hope it is not related to the boolean macros of mine, which is no more than macros.

Intersting. I can not verify this at this moment. I might have done a similar but more general thing in the predicate ltr_card, which counts the number solutions of a disjunction normal form (DNF).

ltr_card(N, X, Y):- shift(ltr_card(N, X, Y)).
ltr_card(N, X, Y, S):- zdd_shift(ltr_card(N, X, Y, S)).
ltr_card(_, 0, 0, _,  _):-!.
ltr_card(N, 1, C, _,  _):-!, C is 2^N.
ltr_card(N, X, C, S, M):- memo(path_count(N, X)-C, M),
	(	nonvar(C) -> true
	;	cofact(X, t(A, L, R), S),
		N0 is N-1,
		(	L > 1,
			cofact(L, t(B, L0, R0), S),
			complementary(A, B)
		->	ltr_join(R, L0, U, S),	% for not counting multple time.
			ltr_join(R0, L0, V, S),
			ltr_card(N0, U, C_U, S, M),
			ltr_card(N0, V, C_V, S, M),
			C is C_U + C_V
		;	ltr_card(N0, L, C_L, S, M),
			ltr_card(N0, R, C_R, S, M),
			C is C_L + C_R


ltr_card is a yet-another-theorem prover in the sense as follows: A DNF P is a tautology if and only if the number of the DNF of negation of P is 0 (unsatisfiable). I think the root of such power is the lines calling ltr_join. To be honest I checked the codes of ltr_card a couple of time, still I feel some strangeness there. I only have a mental proof for the assertion based on a simple induction on the tree structure of ZDD, but still I am not sure. I have met no counter example so far.

Following a comment that Markus Triska’s interface is now de fact standard, I wrote small predicates sat/1, sat_count/1, sat_count/2 below to see no serious problems as far as unify_hook is not concerned. I have no plan to use unify_hook in the future as for ZDD.

% ?- sat(-(true)).
%@ false.
% ?- sat(-(a + -a)).
%@ false.
% ?- sat(a).
%@ true.
% ?- sat(or(a, b)), sat_count(C).
%@ C = 3.
% ?- sat(xor(a, b)), sat_count(C).
%@ C = 1.
% ?- sat(exor(a, b)), sat_count(C).
%@ C = 2.
% ?- sat(e_x_o_r(a, b)), sat_count(C).
%@ C = 1.
% ?- sat(a), sat(-a).
%@ false.
% ?- sat(a), sat(a+b), sat_count(C).
%@ C = 2.
% ?- sat(a(1)+a(2)), sat_count(C).
%@ C = 3.
% ?- sat(A+a(2)), sat_count(C).
%@ C = 3.
% ?- sat(A + B), sat_count(C).
%@ C = 3.
% ?- sat(a+b+c+d), sat_count(C).
%@ C = 15.
% ?- sat(a+b), sat(c+d),  sat_count(C).
%@ C = 9.
% ?-sat(a->b), sat(b->c), sat(c->d), sat(d->a), sat_count(C).
%@ C = 2.
% ?- sat(X=(a=b)), sat(Y=(b+c)), sat(X=Y), sat_count(C).
%@ C = 4.
% ?- sat(X=(a=b)), sat(Y=(b+c)), sat(X=Y), sat(X = (-Y)).
%@ false.
% ?-sat(a->b), sat(b->c), sat(c->d), sat(d->a), sat(-(d = b)).
%@ false.
% ?- E = (a=b)*(b=c)*(c=a), sat(E), sat_count(C).
%@ E =  (a=b)*(b=c)*(c=a),
%@ C = 2.
	(	nb_current(sat_state, S),  S \== [] -> true
	; 	open_state(S0, [extra([root-1, varnum-0, varzip-[]])]),
		b_setval(sat_state, S0)
	b_getval(sat_state, State),
	get_key(root, Root, State),
	dnf(X, Y, State),
	ltr_merge(Y, Root, Root0, State),
	set_key(root, Root0, State),
	Root0 \== 0.
sat_count(C):- b_getval(sat_state, S),
	get_key(root, R, S),
	get_key(varnum, N, S),
	ltr_card(N, R, C, S).
sat_count(F, C):- zdd((
	dnf(F, X),
	get_key(varnum, N),
	ltr_card(N, X, C))).
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Implicitly it is used in ltr_card. Note that ZDD is a suitable in nature for such purpose.

if X and Y have no variable in common, this seems obvious.