Here’s a slightly more polished version with no cuts or carets, and also returns the traversal path as a list (which is typically what you want). It doesn’t avoid cycles, but checking to see if a node has already been visited wouldn’t require much more work.
:- op(500,xfx,'is_parent').
a is_parent b. c is_parent g. f is_parent l. j is_parent q.
a is_parent c. c is_parent h. f is_parent m. j is_parent r.
a is_parent d. c is_parent i. h is_parent n. j is_parent s.
b is_parent e. d is_parent j. i is_parent o. m is_parent t.
b is_parent f. e is_parent k. i is_parent p.
getchildren(Parent, Children) :-
findall(Child, Parent is_parent Child, Unsorted),
sort(Unsorted, Children).
depthfirst([], []).
depthfirst([Node|Frontier], [Node|Visited]) :-
getchildren(Node, Children),
append(Children, Frontier, NewFrontier),
depthfirst(NewFrontier, Visited).
breadthfirst([], []).
breadthfirst([Node|Frontier], [Node|Visited]) :-
getchildren(Node, Children),
append(Frontier, Children, NewFrontier),
breadthfirst(NewFrontier, Visited).
?- depthfirst([a], Path), print(Path).
Path = [a, b, e, k, f, l, m, t, c|...].
?- breadthfirst([a], Path), print(Path).
Path = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i|...].