Web Prolog - a multi-paradigm language?

What do you mean by my “Web Prolog high-level solution”? Are you referring to the rpc/2-3 predicate? If so, please note that while it’s true that this predicate can be implemented on top of pengine_spawn/1-2 and friends (which may have problems unless we control all the machines remote pengines are running on), there’s also an alternative (albeit less elegant) implementation using the stateless/RESTful HTTP API as transport. (I’ve already shown it to you.) I’ll say more about this latter implementation in a post later tonight or tomorrow, and why I think it might, due in part to the multi-core hardware revolution, be scalable to the extent that we might, at least in principle, be able to wrap the whole Web in a layer of Prolog.

So, your response to my request for comments on Web Prolog is a description of your own vision? For how long have you been working on your vision, and what do you have to show for it? I’ve been working on my vision for almost 5 years, I’ve written hundreds of pages of text describing it, I’ve published a paper in an Erlang workshop that describes it, I have (with Jan Wielemaker’s kind help) written a proof-of-concept implementation and a tutorial that comes with it. With SWISH, backed by library(pengines), some aspects of my vision has been realised in a system which sometimes have more than 1000 concurrent users, but I still think more can and should be done in order to fulfill the promise that it shows.

I’ve appreciated your comments so far as they have kept the conversation going and has allowed me to sharpen my arguments and correct some of the misunderstandings that can arise. But can you please, please try to be a bit more focused in your comments in the future and refrain from peddling your own vision in my thread? Ok? :slight_smile:

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