I’ve completed the compiler example in the final chapter of The Art of Prolog, keeping fairly closely to the original code with just a couple of translations (such as using - instead of the escape character \ for difference lists which I suspect has tripped up many people besides me trying to use The Art of Prolog as a textbook for SWI-Prolog).
Some of the conventions used seem a bit weird, such as using (Statement;Statements) instead of [Statement|Statements], and I’m guessing SWI-Prolog’s dict could be used instead of the lookup and allocate clauses, so those are things I’m looking at modifying next.
Here’s my code and test file for anyone interested:
:- module(pascal_comp, [ parse/2, % +Tokens, -Ast
encode/3, % +Ast, -Dictionary, -RelocatableCode
assemble/3 % +RelocatableCode, +Dictionary, -TidyCode
/** <module> Compiler example from The Art of Prolog
@author Leon Sterling and Ehud Shapiro, modified slightly by Robert Laing
compile(Tokens, ObjectCode) :-
parse(Tokens, Structure),
encode(Structure, Dictionary, Code),
assemble(Code, Dictionary, ObjectCode).
%% parse(+Tokens, -Ast) is det.
% The predicate parse is just an interface to the DCG, whose top-level predicate is pl_program.
% ~~~
% Tokens = ["program", "test1", ";",
% "begin",
% "write", "x", "+", "y", "-", "z", "/", "2",
% "end"],
% parse(Tokens, Ast),
% Ast = (pl_write(expr("+", name(x), expr("-", name(y), expr("/", name(z), number(2)))));void).
% ~~~
parse(Tokens, Ast) :-
phrase(pl_program(Ast), Tokens).
% This does not work, only clauses listed in the module appear in the documents
%% pl_program(-S) is det
% The first statement of any PL program must be a program statement.
pl_program(S) --> ["program"], identifier(_Name), [";"], statement(S).
statement((S;Ss)) --> ["begin"], statement(S), rest_statements(Ss).
statement(assign(X,E)) --> identifier(X), [":", "="], expression(E).
statement(if(T,S1,S2)) --> ["if"], test(T), ["then"], statement(S1), ["else"], statement(S2).
statement(while(T,S)) --> ["while"], test(T), ["do"], statement(S).
statement(pl_read(X)) --> ["read"], identifier(X).
statement(pl_write(X)) --> ["write"], expression(X).
rest_statements((S;Ss)) --> [";"], statement(S), rest_statements(Ss).
rest_statements(void) --> ["end"].
expression(X) --> pl_constant(X).
expression(expr(Op, X, Y)) --> pl_constant(X), arithmetic_op(Op), expression(Y).
arithmetic_op("+") --> ["+"].
arithmetic_op("-") --> ["-"].
arithmetic_op("*") --> ["*"].
arithmetic_op("/") --> ["/"].
pl_constant(number(X)) --> pl_integer(X), !. % Moved up with cut to avoid numbers appearing as name('1')
pl_constant(name(X)) --> identifier(X).
pl_integer(X) --> [Y], { number_string(X, Y) }.
identifier(X) --> [Y], { atom_string(X, Y) }.
test(compare(Op, X, Y)) --> expression(X), comparison_op(Op), expression(Y).
comparison_op("=") --> ["="].
comparison_op("!=") --> ["!","="].
comparison_op(">") --> [">"].
comparison_op("<") --> ["<"].
comparison_op(">=") --> [">","="].
comparison_op("<=") --> ["<","="].
% Code Generator
%% encode(+Structure,-Dictionary,-RelocatableCode)
% RelocatableCode is generated from the parsed Structure (Ast)
% building a Dictionary associating variables with addresses.
% An incomplete ordered binary tree is used to implement it, as described in Section 15.3. The predicate
% lookup(Name,D,Value) (Program 15.9) is used for accessing the incomplete binary tree.
% The functor ; is used to denote sequencing.
encode((X;Xs), D,(Y;Ys)) :-
encode(X, D, Y),
encode(Xs, D, Ys).
encode(void, _D, no_op).
encode(assign(Name, E), D, (Code; instr(store, Address))) :-
lookup(Name, D, Address),
encode_expression(E, D, Code).
encode(if(Test, Then, Else), D, (TestCode; ThenCode; instr(jump, L2); label(L1); ElseCode; label(L2))) :-
encode_test(Test, L1, D, TestCode),
encode(Then, D, ThenCode),
encode(Else, D, ElseCode).
encode(while(Test, Do), D, (label(L1); TestCode; DoCode; instr(jump, L1); label(L2))) :-
encode_test(Test, L2, D, TestCode),
encode(Do, D, DoCode).
encode(pl_read(X), D, instr(read, Address)) :-
lookup(X, D, Address).
encode(pl_write(E), D, (Code; instr(write, 0))) :-
encode_expression(E, D, Code).
%% encode_expression(Expression, Dictionary, Code)
% Code corresponts to an arithmetic Expression.
encode_expression(number(C), _D, instr(loadc, C)).
encode_expression(name(X), D, instr(load, Address)) :-
lookup(X, D, Address).
encode_expression(expr(Op, E1, E2), D, (Load; Instruction)) :-
single_instruction(Op, E2, D, Instruction),
encode_expression(E1, D, Load).
encode_expression(expr(Op, E1, E2), D, Code) :-
\+single_instruction(Op, E2, D, _Instruction),
single_operation(Op, E1, D, E2Code, Code),
encode_expression(E2, D, E2Code).
single_instruction(Op, number(C), _D, instr(OpCode, C)) :-
literal_operation(Op, OpCode).
single_instruction(Op, name(X), D, instr(OpCode, A)) :-
memory_operation(Op, OpCode), lookup(X, D, A).
single_operation(Op, E, D, Code, (Code; Instruction)) :-
single_instruction(Op, E, D, Instruction).
single_operation(Op, E, D, Code, (Code; instr(store, Address); Load; instr(OpCode, Address))) :-
lookup('$temp', D, Address),
encode_expression(E, D, Load),
op_code(E, Op, OpCode).
op_code(number(_C), Op, OpCode) :-
literal_operation(Op, OpCode).
op_code(name(_C), Op, OpCode) :-
memory_operation(Op, OpCode).
literal_operation("+", addc).
literal_operation("-", subc).
literal_operation("*", mulc).
literal_operation("/", divc).
memory_operation("+", add).
memory_operation("-", sub).
memory_operation("*", mul).
memory_operation("/", div).
encode_test(compare(Op, E1, E2), Label, D, (Code; instr(OpCode, Label))) :-
comparison_opcode(Op, OpCode),
encode_expression(expr("-", E1, E2), D, Code).
comparison_opcode("=", jumpeq).
comparison_opcode("!=", jumpne).
comparison_opcode(">", jumpgt).
comparison_opcode("<", jumplt).
comparison_opcode(">=", jumpge).
comparison_opcode("<=", jumple).
% The Assembler
%% assemble(+Code, +Dictionary, TidyCode) is det
% TidyCode is the result of assembling Code removing no_ops and labels and filling in the Dictionary
assemble(Code, Dictionary, TidyCode) :-
tidy_and_count(Code, 1, N, TidyCode-(instr(halt,0);block(L))), % can't use \ as difference list delimeter
N1 is N + 1,
allocate(Dictionary, N1, N2),
L is N2 - N1, !.
tidy_and_count((Code1;Code2), M, N, TCode1-TCode2) :-
tidy_and_count(Code1, M, M1, TCode1-Rest),
tidy_and_count(Code2, M1, N, Rest-TCode2).
tidy_and_count(instr(X, Y), N, N1, (instr(X,Y);Code)-Code) :-
N1 is N + 1.
tidy_and_count(label(N), N, N, Code-Code).
tidy_and_count(no_op, N, N, Code-Code).
%% lookup(Key, Dictionary, Value)
% modified to use SWI-Prolog's "Standard Order of Terms" comparison to handle variables
% http://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/man?section=bidicts
lookup(Key, dict(Key, X, _Left, _Right), Value) :-
!, X = Value.
lookup(Key, dict(Key1, _X, Left, _Right), Value) :-
Key @< Key1,
lookup(Key, Left, Value).
lookup(Key, dict(Key1, _X, _Left, Right), Value) :-
Key @> Key1,
lookup(Key, Right, Value).
allocate(void, N, N).
allocate(dict(_Name, N1, Before, After), N0, N) :-
allocate(Before, N0, N1),
N2 is N1 + 1,
allocate(After, N2, N).
Here is my test file:
:- begin_tests(pascal_comp).
:- use_module(["pascal_comp.pl"]).
test(test1, nondet) :-
Tokens = ["program", "test1", ";",
"write", "x", "+", "y", "-", "z", "/", "2",
parse(Tokens, Ast),
Ast = (pl_write(expr("+", name(x), expr("-", name(y), expr("/", name(z), number(2)))));void),
encode(Ast, Dict, Code),
Code = (((((instr(load, _Z);instr(divc, 2));instr(store, Temp);
instr(load, _Y);instr(sub, Temp));instr(add, _X));instr(write, 0));no_op),
assemble(Code, Dict, TidyCode),
TidyCode = (instr(load, 12);instr(divc, 2);instr(store, 9);instr(load, 11);instr(sub, 9);instr(add, 10);instr(write, 0);instr(halt, 0);block(4)).
test(test2, nondet) :-
Tokens = ["program", "test2", ";",
"if", "a", ">", "b",
"then", "max", ":", "=", "a",
"else", "max", ":", "=", "b",
parse(Tokens, Ast),
Ast = (if(compare(">", name(a), name(b)), assign(max, name(a)), assign(max, name(b)));void),
encode(Ast, Dict, Code),
Code = ((((instr(load, A);instr(sub, B));instr(jumpgt, L1));
(instr(load, A);instr(store, Max));instr(jump, L2);label(L1);
(instr(load, B);instr(store, Max));label(L2));no_op),
assemble(Code, Dict, TidyCode),
TidyCode = (instr(load,10);instr(sub,11);instr(jumpgt,7);instr(load,10);instr(store,12);instr(jump,9);
test(factorial, nondet) :-
Tokens = ["program","factorial",";",
parse(Tokens, Ast),
Ast = (pl_read(value);
assign(count, number(1));
assign(result, number(1));
while(compare("<", name(count), name(value)), (assign(count, expr("+", name(count), number(1)));
assign(result, expr("*",name(result),name(count)));void));
encode(Ast, Dict, Code),
Code = (instr(read,Value);(instr(loadc,1);instr(store,Count));
assemble(Code, Dict, TidyCode),
TidyCode = (instr(read,21);instr(loadc,1);instr(store,19);instr(loadc,1);instr(store,20);instr(load,19);
:- end_tests(pascal_comp).