I’m using: SWI-Prolog version 8.2.1
% V Head of list is send to testing. If it gets approved, then append gets it.
goThrougList([V|R], Z) :-
goThrougList(R, D),
testing([V], Q),
testing(S, T) :-
phrase(as, [S], []),
% Here is the problem. Only if phrase(as, [S], []) is true,
only then S should be allowed to be added to the list.
And then the element, as Q, should be given to the append in the third line.
Start the program:
someText(_15188,_15190,_15138,_15178)", Cs).
The result ist:
Cs = [[[')']], [['8']], [['7']], [['1']], [['5']], [['1']], [['_']], [[...]], [...]|...]
But I want the result:
Cs = [[['8']], [['7']], [['1']], [['5']], [['1']], [['_']], [[...]], [...]|...]
(I want only the numbers and only ‘_’, but not ‘)’ etc.)
Thank you
My code looks like this:
starting(Q, W) :- atom_codes(A, Q), atom_chars(A, Cs), goThrougList(Cs, W).
goThrougList([], []).
goThrougList([V|R], Z) :- goThrougList(R, D), testing([V], Q), append(D,[Q],Z).
testing(S, T) :- phrase(as, [S], []), append([],[S],T).
as --> [].
as --> [0], as.
as --> [1], as.
as --> [2], as.
as --> [3], as.
as --> [4], as.
as --> [5], as.
as --> [6], as.
as --> [7], as.
as --> [8], as.
as --> [9], as.
as --> [0], as.
as --> [_], as.