Dear SWI-Prolog user,
This release brings more enhancements and fixes to (lazy) monotonic
tabling as well as several enhacements and extensions. Highlights:
Extended clp(fd) propagation by Mohammed Malik.
Fixed position mananament for ansi_format/3 by Robert Sedlacek.
Several fixes and enhancements to => rules:
- Handling them in .qlf/saved state files
- Make goal_expansion/2 work on their body and guard.
- Compile
Head => true
as a fact with single sided unification. - Make instance/2 handle => rules with a guard.
Compiler enhancement. Compile
p(X) :- X = f(_), g(X).
that theX = f(_)
unification actually happens as part of the
head unification (which is faster) and clause indexing works
on such clauses. -
Experimental efficient determinism checking. This currently
consists of- det/1, a directive that declares predicates to be deterministic.
For example,:- det((p/1, q/3)).
- A goal
that acts as a cut, declaring that the remainder
of the body shall terminate with deterministic success.
Neither the naming nor the exact errors are set in stone. There
will also be a$(Goal)
with the obvious meaning that Goal shall
succeed deterministically. Note that the last call in a
deterministic predicate is subject to last-call optimization.
If this last goal does not succeed deterministically the error
is raised against this goal rather than the goal declared to
be deterministic. Debug mode may be used to examine the stack
and find the predicate declared to bedet
Comments are welcome.
- det/1, a directive that declares predicates to be deterministic.
MacOS users for the binaries must upgrade to XQuartz 2.8.0 for the IDE
tools to work. Note that the X11 IDE tools sometimes do not work from
the App after updates of MacOS. Sometimes it helps to reinstall XQuartz.
What also helps is running setenv('DISPLAY', ':0')
. You can add that
to your ~/.config/swi-prolog/
as follows:
:- initialization setenv('DISPLAY', ':0').
Enjoy — Jan
SWI-Prolog Changelog since version 8.3.20
FIXED: Positioning fixes and tests for
. Changes
to format prepended and appended escape sequences
separately while keeping line position information on the stream
intact.Also adds tests for position information correctness and single nonlist
arguments. -
FIXED: Use safer shift_for_copy/1 to erroneous interaction with
choicepoints in tabling. -
ADDED: shift_for_copy/1 to deal with the rstrictions for shift that
we need if we want to restart the continuation in a different context. -
FIXED: clause_info/5 to avoid creating a cyclic term. due to wrongly
recognised X → call(X) translation. -
ENHANCED: Move unification to plain head arguments at the start of
the body to unification in the head. Possible reuse of these
arguments in the body reuse the head argument. This allows for
clauses like below to exploit clause indexing while avoiding to
copy thef(_)
term.p(X) :- X = f(_), q(X).
ADDED: $/0: Cut that claims determinism for the remainder of the
predicate. -
ADDED: det/1 declaration to declare a predicate deterministic and
check this at runtime at the VM level. -
REFACTOR: Move P_INCREMENTAL flag to tabling properties.
ENHANCED: Compilation of
head => true
to avoid calling true/0. -
guard for SSU unification. -
FIXED: instance/2 to handle single sided unification rules.
Abramo Bagnara. -
FIXED: goal_expansion/2 on the guard for an SSU rule
head, guard => body
. Abramo Bagnara. -
FIXED: Updated QLF version number as fix for => breaks loading old
qlf files. -
FIXED: Handle => rules in saved states and .qlf files. Abramo Bagnara.
FIXED: When updating a monotonic answer subsumptive tabled node we
must remove old answers from the queues before removing these
answers from the trie. -
FIXED: GUI tracer could reset live variables in a stack trace,
leading to different behaviour in trace mode. -
FIXED: Recursive calls from C should reset the
as delimited continuations do not pass callbacks. -
FIXED: goal_expansion/2 for => rules. Abramo Bagnara.
FIXED: Uninitilized
for clauses loaded from a QLF file
or state. -
FIXED: Transaction rollback from lazy monotonic tables did not properly
delete new answers, leaving the trie in an inconsistent state. -
DEBUG: Wrong assert() check when compiled for debugging.
FIXED: Provide new internal API for dealing with UTF-8 decoding
that cannot peek after the given buffer when decoding UTF-8
from a length-delimited string. The old code could read up to
5 characters after the buffer on invalid UTF-8 input. Decoder
provided by Abramo Bagnara. -
FIXED: Processing lazy monotonic queued answers may queue new answers
for this table, so can only mark it valid if all dependents are
valid and no new answers are queued. -
ENHANCED: update of falsecount after partial reevaluation of a
lazy monotonic predicate can be accurate, possibly avoiding
recomputation. -
ADDED: CLP(FD): implement propagation for bitshifts This is a squash
of 3 commits. Their commits messages are shown below -
ENHANCED: clp/ propagate bitshifts
Fixes issue #568
MODIFIED: clp/ pshift/4 propagation
Shortened the
case a bit -
MODIFIED: CLP(FD): Fix pshift propagation bug
Occurs when X =:= 0, in which case Y cannot be restricted, and when X
=:= -1, in which case Y =< 0, but this is now handled in the last
condition. These errors were caught in the test case mentioned in the
previous commit message, but withOp = (X << Y #= Z)
ADDED: CLP(FD): implement
propagation Squash of 4 commits,
their commit messages are shown below -
MODIFIED: clp/ cis_div_/3 fix typo?
ENHANCED: clp/ propagation of pdiv/3
Improve propagation basing code on ptzdiv/3’s propagation
MODIFIED: CLP(FD): Fix mistake in cis_div
Effectively reverting the previous s=//=div=. Introduces cis_fdiv for
floor division to compensate for this, although note that therediv
has slightly more failures (a few thousand) than//
according to
Triska’s test in commit 435209799b58ae01537c82baea6754f8e27a5c70. Also
the inf,sup checks in cis_fdiv need to be checked. -
MODIFIED: CLP(FD): Fix mistakes in
propagationby modifying domain_expand_more and domain_contract_less to consider
differences betweendiv
. I tried to use=..
to generate
expressions in domain_contract_less, but couldn’t, this should be a
TODO. Additionally, if I noted correctly, the previous uses of
could have been replaced with the previous cis_div, and so I merged
to rename cis_fdiv to cis_div, to then be able to use cis_div for floor
division and cis_slash for round-to-zero division, with the same
handling.Below is a test I used to check for downright mistakes in bounds, as
resulting fromdiv
propagation errors before this commit, adapted
one of Triska’s tests. So this test should result in 0 errors.:- use_module(library(clpfd)). ineqs(L, U, V, Cs) :- phrase(ineqs(L,U,V), Cs). ineqs(L0, U, V) --> ineq_lower(L0, U, V, L), ineq_upper(L, U, V). ineq_lower(L, _, V, L) --> [V #>= L]. ineq_lower(L0, U, V, L) --> { L0 #< U, L1 #= L0 + 1 },
ineq_lower(L1, U, V, L).
ineq_upper(_, U, V) --> [V #=< U].
ineq_upper(L, U0, V) --> { L #< U0, U #= U0 - 1 }, ineq_upper(L,
U, V).
run :- Vs = [X,Y,Z], maplist(ineqs(-4,4), Vs, Cs),
maplist(maplist(call), Cs), maplist(fd_dom, Vs, Doms),
Op=(X div Y #= Z), findall(Vs, (label(Vs),call(Op)), Sols),
call(Op), maplist(fd_inf, Vs, Infs), maplist(fd_sup, Vs,
Sups), %findall(Vs, label(Vs), Sols), Tuple = [_,_,_],
tuples_in([Tuple], Sols), maplist(fd_inf, Tuple, TInfs),
maplist(fd_sup, Tuple, TSups), TInfs = [TXI,TYI,TZI], Infs
= [XI,YI,ZI], TSups = [TXS,TYS,TZS], Sups = [XS,YS,ZS],
( XI=<TXI, YI=<TYI, ZI=<TZI -> true
%TZI == ZI -> true
%TInfs == Infs -> true
; portray_clause(failed_lower_bounds(Doms,(maplist(in,
Vs,Doms),X*Y#=Z),Infs,TInfs,Sols)) ;true)
Vs,Doms),X*Y#=Z),Infs,TInfs,Sols)) ;true) ), ( %TSups ==
Sups -> true
XS >= TXS, YS >= TYS, ZS >= TZS -> true %ZS
== TZS -> true %XS == TXS, YS == TYS -> true ;
Vs,Doms),Op),Sups,TSups,Sols)) %; ((nonvar(X))->
%; ((nonvar(Y);nonvar(X);nonvar(Z))->
Vs,Doms),X*Y#=Z),Sups,TSups,Sols));true) ), false.
Changing the body of run/0 to the following,
run :- Vs = [X,Y,Z], maplist(ineqs(-4,4), Vs, Cs),
maplist(maplist(call), Cs), maplist(fd_dom, Vs, Doms),
Op=(X div Y #= Z), %findall(Vs, (label(Vs),call(Op)),
Sols), call(Op), maplist(fd_inf, Vs, Infs), maplist(fd_sup,
Vs, Sups), findall(Vs, label(Vs), Sols), Tuple = [_,_,_],
tuples_in([Tuple], Sols), maplist(fd_inf, Tuple, TInfs),
maplist(fd_sup, Tuple, TSups), TInfs = [TXI,TYI,TZI], Infs =
[XI,YI,ZI], TSups = [TXS,TYS,TZS], Sups = [XS,YS,ZS], ( %
XI=<TXI, YI=<TYI, ZI=<TZI -> true
%TZI == ZI -> true
TInfs == Infs -> true
; portray_clause(failed_lower_bounds(Doms,(maplist(in,
Vs,Doms),X*Y#=Z),Infs,TInfs,Sols)) ;true)
Vs,Doms),X*Y#=Z),Infs,TInfs,Sols)) ;true) ), ( TSups ==
Sups -> true
% XS >= TXS, YS >= TYS, ZS >= TZS -> true
%ZS == TZS -> true
%XS == TXS, YS == TYS -> true
; portray_clause(failed_upper_bounds(Doms,(maplist(in,
%; ((nonvar(X))->
%; ((nonvar(Y);nonvar(X);nonvar(Z))->
and running this for both div
and //
gives the following count of
bound errors respectively, 42939 and 42765.
FIXED: Re-evaluation of lazy monotonic tables with cyclic dependencies
could result in non-termination after
e13b73087dcd64e252430bb19f36e37681f7e8a1 -
ENHANCED: Use efficient list_to_set/2 internally.
ENHANCE: prune valid nodes from the re-evaluation graph.
FIXED: transaction rollback of a new lazy monotonic answer must
remove the deleted answer node from the
affected queues. -
FIXED: Lazy monotonic reevaluation with not equal length falsepaths.
FIXED: tabled re-evaluation path minimization (mainly avoids some
redundant memory usage and computations).
Package xpce
- FIXED: GUI tracer interface to library(portray_text).