Ann: SWI-Prolog 9.3.10

Dear SWI-Prolog user,

SWI-Prolog 9.3.10 is ready for download. It is a rather quick release
that reverts the removed loading of files relative to CWD, restoring
the old behaviour as deprecated feature. It also fixes a couple of
serious bugs (affecting few users though). The (xpce) GUI has now
pretty extensive support for hi-res displays under X11 that should run
out-of-the-box on configurations that properly report the physical
layout using the Xrandr extension. Unfortunately that is not always
the case. Users can overrule the detected DPI in
~/.config/swi-prolog/xpce/Defaults using a line (here telling the
display is 200DPI). The system uses some heuristics to see whether
the reported physical size makes sense and sets the dpi to 100 if

display.dpi: 200

Enjoy --- Jan

SWI-Prolog Changelog since version 9.3.9

  • DEPRECATED: file search from a source file relative to CWD Searching
    relative to CWD when loading a source file was supported up to
    version 9.3.8. 9.3.9 disabled this, but the implications appear
    too severe. This patch re-enables the old behaviour with a warning.
    The Prolog flag source_search_working_directory can be set to
    false to disable searching the working directory.

  • FIXED: possibly early GC of arguments for call_cleanup/2 Also affects
    '$bags':cleanup_bag/2. The early GC can happen if a signal arrives
    when these predicates are being called and the signal handler calls GC.

  • FIXED: use_module(M, [Pred as Alias]) for meta-predicates

Package clib

  • PORT: Added library(uuid) to WASM version

  • ADDED: is_uuid/1 to test that an atom is a valid UUID

Package http

  • FIXED: http_open/3 using keep-alive connections When multiple threads
    are connecting to the same host, it may give the same connection to
    multiple threads if a connection was already closed by the peer.

  • FIXED: http_open/3 using Keep-alive This lead to errors if the number
    of cached connections was exceeded (fixed). The library now defines
    the cache parameters as settings, such that applications can change

Package pengines

  • FIZED: pass SSL Options when destroying pengines

  • FIXED: pass SSL options (such as client certificate) to probe.
    Needed to make pengines work in a 2-way SSL setup.

Package xpce

  • PORT: Be more critical on the reported physical dimensions of the

  • SCALE: Scale stepper/combobox indicator for class text_item
    and related.

  • SCALE: Properly scale caret in class text and text_item.

  • SCALE: Several dimensions concerning widgets

  • SCALE: Make GUI tracer margin scale with bitmaps.

  • SCALE: Wrong default for image.scale Using display<-size
    rather than display<-dpi

  • ENHANCED: Use Xrandr extension to get DPI resolution of the display
    This seems to provide more reliable results.

  • SCALE: Specify default arrow dimensions in mm rather than px.

  • FIXED: Compute the GUI tracer stack layout based on the font.

  • FIXED: Compute thread-monitor dimensions based on the font

  • FIXED: Make sure image<-size of built-in images respect the scale

  • FIXED: #34 Allow for @display?dpi if there is no display. This notably
    allows for building xpce when there is no DISPLAY.

  • MODIFIED: Default scale for fonts and images now depends on DPI This
    implies that one should get a reasonable default if the X server
    provides the right DPI value. If not, setting e.g.

     display.dpi: 200

    in Defaults may be used. Subsequently, font.scale and/or image.scale
    may be used to fine tune the sizes.


In version 9.3.10, spy/1 does not work on macOS 14/ (15 beta). I use mainly ediprolog mode for swi-prolog on Gnu emacs (with Xquarz), have poor knowledge on X and am reluctant
to go into details on setting X-window-like environment.

% swipl --version
SWI-Prolog version 9.3.10 for x86_64-darwin

% swipl    
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 9.3.10-4-g0009ca51f)
SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software.
Please run ?- license. for legal details.

I have found spy/2 works on M1 macbook pro, but not on imac intel (2020)

% ?- spy(...).
%@ [PCE fatal: @display/display: Failed to connect to X-server at `/private/tmp/': malformed DISPLAY address: /private/tmp/
%@ *********************************************************************
%@ * You MUST be running the X11 Windowing environment.  If you are,   *
%@ * check the setting of your DISPLAY environment variable as well    *
%@ * the access rights to your X11 server.  See xauth(1) and xhost(1). *
%@ *********************************************************************


Is there a simple way for spy/1 to work as before ? Thanks in advance.

It means XQuartz, the Mac X11 implementation is not properly working. XQuartz is a bit of a nuisance :frowning: It sometimes helps to open it explicitly, at least for me. You have to search there though. Prolog can’t do anything about this.

… except if there is someone willing to write a native MacOS binding for xpce, so we can bypass XQuartz. With good knowledge on how to access MacOS native graphics from C it is not a very big deal. It mostly implies implementing about 150 mostly tiny C functions to do things like “create a Window”, “draw a line”, etc.

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On iMac intel, swipl spy/2 works with terminal, but not in No problem with M1 macbook pro and M2 mac mini as usual. I have no idea how to bind swipl with Xquartz in Emacs but I would take it an occasion for me to take time to learn it.

If it works in one setup, use ?- getenv('DISPLAY', D). to find the working value. Next, add

:- setenv('DISPLAY', <value>).

to your file. No guarantees, but it sometimes helps. I’m always a bit unsure where MacOS apps get environment variables. Neither do I know how XQuartz passes the information to apps where the connection can be found.

BINGO ! Thanks for the simple solution.