App provided by a pack found by `app list` but not when run…

I’m trying to provide an app from a pack and I’m a bit puzzled by what I observe.

The app is some file in the app subdirectory of a pack.
When I install the pack, I correctly get foo listed by swipl app list
However trying to execute swipl foo bar gets an ERROR: Prolog initialisation failed, file foo does not exist.

Looking deeper, if I add -Dverbose_file_search I see that app(foo) is looked for in the swipl global app directory, and in my local app directory, but not in my installed packs app directories…

Am I missing something? Is there a reason why app list does look into .local/share/swi-prolog/pack/…/app but trying to run the app doesn’t?

Any example of a pack providing an app with source available (so that at worse I can see what is different)?

Thanks for any help.

P.S. This is using swipl 9.2.5 if that matters…

That matters :slight_smile: AFAIK, it works fine in 9.3.9 after a recent patch.

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Oh great, I’ll see if I can update that machine then, thanks!