Best practice to test pack locally? (Maybe regression in SWI v8.1?)

Hi there,

I am wondering what’s best practice to locally test a pack with SWI. This is typically the way to go when you clone the repository of a pack locally and want to execute the included tests. In this case, use_module(library(my_pack)) does not work, since it’s missing the link in ~/.local/share/swi-prolog/pack/my_pack.

For instance, I am the maintainer of several packs, including tap. It comes with several tests. Once installed via ?- pack_install(tap), they can be executed as follows:

> swipl -q -g "main,halt(0)" -t "halt(1)" -s test/

For cases the repository is cloned locally, I used to use the following instead:

> swipl -q -g "asserta(user:file_search_path(library, 'prolog')),main,halt(0)" -t "halt(1)" -s test/

This adds the local prolog directory to the search path and worked in SWI-Prolog upto version 8.0.x. Since version 8.1, the asserta(user:file_search_path(library, 'prolog')) has no effect (maybe that’s a regression?). So what’s the preferred way to test a without further dependencies locally? :slight_smile:

I think you are looking for attach_packs/2 :slight_smile:

Hi Jan,

thank you for the quick response! Maybe you are right, though I’m not sure how to exactly use this predicate, since attach_packs/2 attaches all packages in the subdirectories. So given that I clone via git clone ~/Development/swipl-tap, I have to call ?- attach_packs('~/Development').. This leads to all packages being loaded from ~/Development instead of just ~/Development/swipl-tap. It looks like what I’m really looking for is attach_package/2. Maybe it’s worth to consider exporting this predicate from, too? (And maybe another attach_package/1 with default options.)

Looks like you are right. Can you try and make a PR? I don’t think we really need an attach_package/1 as this doesn’t seem to be the most common thing to do.

Just had a second look into The already existing exported predicate $pack_attach/1 does the job.

I see. Using a $-name is not good :slight_smile: I propose to add this as pack_attach/1,2 to library(prolog_pack). Do you want me to do so or do you want to make a PR?

Yeah, I see, I still was not able to get this working with the $-name in the Makefile (oh my gosh, what a hell of escape sequences! :smiley: ). Would be nice to have this added to library(prolog_pack). I am not sure what’s the best way to add this without duplicating too much code from boot/, so it would be nice if you could create the PR :owl:

Pushed. Enjoy!

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Thank you, Jan. For documentation, here’s the related commit: ADDED: attach_pack/2. Suggested by Falco Nogatz. · SWI-Prolog/swipl-devel@1ac8b40 · GitHub

Okay, there is just another problem I still face, even with the shiny new attach_pack/2: Where do I call attach_pack/2 to test a locally installed pack? Here’s my scenario with library(xsd):

  1. library(xsd) comes with more than 1000 (!) tests which are executed via library(tap).
  2. library(xsd) additionally depends on library(regex).
  3. library(xsd) comes with a CLI to validate an XML Document against a given XML Schema. As part of its installation, we create the saved state qlf file cli.exe from library(xsd)'s, using SWI-Prolog’s -c flag. The calls :- use_module(library(xsd)). at some point.

As part of a CI workflow with GitHub Actions, I want to automatically run the tests defined via library(tap) as well as just call the created cli.exe with some example XML+XSD file to ensure it’s working correctly. These tests are defined in the project’s Makefile. I just uploaded my first try to get this working with GitHub Actions in the branch 16-migrate-to-github-actions. It locally installs SWI-Prolog v8.0 with the help of swivm, installs the dependent packs via pack_install(tap) and pack_install(regex). Our library(xsd), which is subject to be tested, is checked out locally. Now I face the problem that I can’t call ./cli.exe, because it relies on the locally installed library(xsd), so it fails with the error message source_sink library(xsd) does not exist.

My guess was to try to call absolute_file_name(pack('.'),D) (as suggested in this thread) first, then create a symbolic link via ln -s $(pwd) $(swipl -q -g "absolute_file_name(pack('.'),D),writeln(D)" -t 'halt(1)'), and run the test thereafter. However, GitHub’s CI infrastructure apparently comes without a ~/lib directory, so ?- absolute_file_name(pack('.'),D) just returns false :slight_smile:

@jan, any idea how I could solve this? I try to avoid changing the code of :- use_module(library(xsd)) in and hope to get SWI-Prolog to just find the correct path to the module.

Its a bit hard to see all the details. One tip may help. attach_packs/0 as called on startup attaches the pack subdirs for all solutions for the pack(.) directories. So, you can start Prolog as `swipl -p pack=somedir …, where somedir is the parent dir of the packs you want to have access to. Does that help?

Oh, nice, I did not know about the global -p flag. It works as expected after adding -p library=$(pwd)/prolog. Thank you very much, @Jan!