Can get library(table) to return anything

Just wondering if library(table) is used by anybody here?

I can’t get it to work on OSX

(SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 8.1.3-30-gc993fedf8-DIRTY)),

even on the examples and test cases.

I don’t get errors, just false, [], and table sizes of -1 and window sizes of 0-0.

The test case doesn’t load in non-traditional mode?:

It is a bit old school. It may still come handy for moderately fast access to large tabular data if you only need indexed access on one (sorted) column. I did use it a couple of times over the last year.

It has never been updated for SWI-7 strings. I just pushed a fix that makes the above work again. Alternatively, write e.g., tag(`(`), i.e., using back ticks.

--- Jan