Cannot run scripts on Mac OS

Dear All,

I’m using: SWI-Prolog version 8.4.3 on Mac OS 12.6 (M1)

I want to run the scripts (parser and logic reasoner) on prolog, but I cannot run it on my MacBook

But what I’m getting is:

Thread 3 (__gui): foreign predicate system:ground/1 did not clear exception:
error(existence_error(procedure,prolog:file_open_event/1),context(system: $c_call_prolog/0,_84))

Anyway, the scripts work successfully on Windows OS.

Please let me know if you all know how to fix it

Thank you

It is hard to figure out what you are trying to do with what version. There are several versions for MacOS. Are you using the App bundle from Next, what exactly do you do? Trying the obvious, using the File/Consult menu to load a file works fine for me.