Color palette / color scheme generator

Colorgorical is an advanced color scheme generator, what I like about this is

  1. gives you a choice of the number of colors up to 20
  2. gives the colors as RGB, Hex and a few others
  3. all of the color codes can be copied as a text string
  4. shows you a few examples of all of the colors used near each other
  5. can select lightness range, not too dark, not too light.
  6. keeps a history of results so you can compare several of them on a single screen together
  7. is based on research (paper)
  8. open source at GitHub

The one thing it is missing is an option for color blindness. It should choose colors that can be seen by people with different color blindness.


The link to for Colorgorical is now dead.

Opened issue.

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Nice to know indeed :slight_smile:

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