Coursera "guided project" to be removed

Coursera sent me an email titled “Guided Project Removal Notification” saying my Prolog for Beginners is going to be removed on June 17th.

As you know, one of the main priorities for the Guided Projects program is to house a catalog of impactful projects for learners. As part of this focus, our team will begin to remove projects that do not meet ratings of 4.2 or higher.

I just checked and see my course’s score is 4.1 from 11 ratings. Darn, so close but no cigar!

The metrics provided show 435 total enrollments, 111 active learners, and 19.5% completion rate. I’ve no idea if that’s good or bad.

Coursera seem to have canned nearly all the community contributed courses, and my heart goes out to those whose hours of hard work has now been wasted.

Personally, I can’t claim to be too cut-up about losing a popularity contest I never knew I entered. My course was based on notes I’d already done anyhow, and I found doing my first MooC a fun and rewarding activity.

I’m considering redoing my Coursera course as Youtube videos (using an open source video editing package OBS Study instead of Coursera’s awful Rhyme).

I’ve only just seen the five reviews on my Coursera course, and have to concede some of the criticism is valid.

So I hope to do an improved version sometime in the near future.


@anniepoo might be able to comment on that. According to the reviews you made some people happy :slight_smile: I hope the material finds a new place!


I would not pay any attention to this. I have read some of your tutorials and they are very useful and well thought out.

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I’m really sorry about that - it’s kind of ridiculous.

A 20% completion rate on a free course is outstanding.

Recommend kdenlive over OBS Studio - the former is a video editor, the latter is a video studio tool.
So, eg. playing with prolog is made with kdenlive, while my class lectures were delivered with OBS STudio.

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In searching for something ran across the link to

which based on the above replies I thought was going to be removed but yet it is still available.

Any updates on the official latest status of the course from Coursea?

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After several weeks of no communication from Coursera, I just got this “weekly digest” emailed to me, which might mean the course has been reinstated. Coursera doesn’t deign to communicate with volunteer lecturers directly, so I don’t have any clear idea of the status.

I’m still hoping to do a more polished version for Udemy at some stage, but haven’t got around to it yet.

Total Learners

454 ▲11

from last week
Course Completers

100 ▲2

from last week
Active Learners (All Time)

346 ▲10

from last week

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