Disable warning message "% Disabled autoloading"

I’m using SWI-Prolog in a moodle environment which tests the output with a simple string-compare.
This worked perfectly until the last update where a warning message appeared:

“% Disabled autoloading (loaded … files)”

Is there a possibility to disable this warning message?
Thanx in advance.

Would it be possible to redirect your standard error output outside of Prolog itself? That alone might solve your issue.

Or maybe start with the “quiet” command line argument:

$ swipl -q

which is there to “suppress informational messages”.

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Thanx for the hint, but I did this already
the parameters I’m using are “swipl -q -f test.pl prog.pl”

Hmm, then this isn’t a warning/info message. You should maybe say explicitly which version broke it.

Oh … the standard - error output hint was brilliant !
Now it works all fine !!

There is also a message specific way to handle them (see message_hook/3).

:- multifile user:message_hook/3.

user:message_hook(autoload(disabled(_Loaded)), _Kind, _Lines).
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