I’m writing a predicate to encode some typing information, but I want this to be multifile
and discontiguous
. So I have, in typeDecls.pl
:- module(typeDecls, [(::)/2]).
:- op(500, xfx, ::).
:- multifile((::)).
:- discontiguous((::)).
[] :: list(_).
[X|Xs] :: list(A) :- X :: A, Xs :: list(A).
%%% Some more stuff
Then I might have other files that define data structures, with the associated typing information; for example, in file tree.pl
, I have:
:- module(tree, [showTree/1]).
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(typeDecls).
%%% NOTE this clause of the typing predicate
node(Node, Subforest) :: tree(NodeType) :-
Node :: NodeType,
Subforest :: list(tree(NodeType)).
showTree(T) :- showTree(T, 1).
showTree(node(Node, SubForest), Depth) :-
writeLevel(Depth), write(' '), print(Node), write('\n'),
DepthNext #= Depth+1,
maplist({DepthNext}/[T]>>showTree(T, DepthNext), SubForest)
%%% Some more stuff
And wrapping this up, I might have in my main file something like:
:- use_module(typeDecls).
:- use_module(tree).
%%% Some more stuff
When I consult the main file, I’m getting the error:
ERROR: /home/.../tree.pl:5:22: Syntax error: Operator expected
and that position corresponds to my instance of the typing clause in tree.pl
, as if that file couldn’t see the operator declaration in typeDecls.pl
. Could you suggest how to fix this problem?