What should be used for the C99 bool type? I tried the following but it fails:
C declaration:
bool Filter_Max_uint8 (uint8_t response[], const uint8_t data[], size_t temp[], size_t size, size_t order);
:- c_import("#include \"Filter.h\"", % ffi:cpp_hook provides -I flag
[ linasm(lib/'liblinasm.so') ],
'Filter_Max_uint8'( *int, % uint8_t response[],
*int, % const uint8_t data[],
*int, % size_t temp[],
int, % size_t size,
int, % size_t order,
The error is:
ERROR: /tmp/prolog/linasm/filter.pl:11:
ERROR: FFI: 'Filter_Max_uint8': incompatible return type: int <- '_Bool'