Here is my version using a list of list for a matrix with fully ground elements, meaning that you have to copy the matrix every time you do an update.
I think this is kind of the worst implementation anyone can think of, therefore kind of a good baseline ?
It is immutable as requested but the conciseness is not quite as good as the original because of for loops, especially nested ones…
floyd_warshall(V, Graph, M4) :-
length(M1, V),
maplist(length_(V), M1),
maplist(maplist(=(inf)), M1),
foldl(edges, Graph, M1, M2),
numlist(1, V, Vertices),
foldl(vertices, Vertices, M2, M3),
transitive(Vertices, M3, M4).
edges((U1-V1)-W, M1, M2) :-
replace(U1, V1, M1, _, W, M2).
vertices(I, M1, M2) :-
replace(I, I, M1, _, 0, M2).
transitive(Vertices, M1, M2) :-
foldl(transitive(Vertices), Vertices, M1, M2).
transitive(Vertices, K, M1, M2) :-
foldl(transitive(Vertices, K), Vertices, M1, M2).
transitive(Vertices, K, I, M1, M2) :-
foldl(transitive_(K, I), Vertices, M1, M2).
transitive_(K, I, J, M1, M2) :-
replace(I, J, M1, IJ1, IJ2, M2),
nth2d(I, K, M1, IK),
nth2d(K, J, M1, KJ),
IKJ is IK + KJ,
( IJ1 > IKJ
-> IJ2 = IKJ
; IJ2 = IJ1
Here is a example query, (the graph comes from wikipedia):
?- graph(G), gtrace, floyd_warshall(4, G, M).
G = [2-1-4, 2-3-3, 1-3- -2, 3-4-2, 4-2- -1],
M = [[0, -1, -2, 0], [4, 0, 2, 4], [5, 1, 0, 2], [3, -1, 1, 0]].
prolog code with graph fact and helper predicates
length_(Len, List) :-
length(List, Len).
nth2d(I, J, M, V) :-
nth1(I, M, Row),
nth1(J, Row, V).
replace(I, L1, Old, New, L3) :-
nth1(I, L1, Old, L2),
nth1(I, L3, New, L2).
replace(I1, I2, M1, Old, New, M2) :-
replace(I1, M1, Row1, Row2, M2),
replace(I2, Row1, Old, New, Row2).
PS: Seriously, why do you have to do this to me, you can’t expect me not to spend my holiday not optimizing this like I did with dijkstra