GitHub Pull Request

GitHub Pull Request

Note: This is a topic for learning how to update a GitHub repository such as SWI-Prolog when asked to do a pull request.
If you have Trust level: Basic you can add to this list by clicking on the edit icon in the lower right. Capture

Note: Do not reply to this topic; questions, concerns, comments, etc. are to be handled in
Wiki Discussion: GitHub Pull Request

Single File

If the change is for a single file such as updating the SWI-Prolog documentation then see Editing files in another user’s repository

Multiple Files

If the change requires edits to more than one file then assuming you do your work on the sources obtained using git clone from github:

Go to the original repository on github and click the fork button to clone into your own github account.

git clone the forked repo onto your computer. Optionally, follow the github guidance on how to sync your fork with the original, so that you get updated on changes in the original.

   git  checkout -b fix-for-xyz
    <fix/extend/clean the code>
    <commit using your favorite tool>
        (repeat the two above as long as needed, preferably do not put
         unrelated stuff in one commit)
    git push origin fix-for-xyz

And github will reply with a link for creating the PR. Paste that link into your web browser and follow the steps indicated on that page. (typically, github will already set things up so that the PR is a request from your fork back to the original repository) If the PR is accepted and processed (with or without changes, do

git checkout master
git pull
git branch -D fix-for-xyz

Embedded in
Discourse Development Contribution Guidelines

at Discourse is a similar and more detailed set of instructions that can be used as a template for doing the same with SWI-Prolog repository.
Search for: Contributing code on GitHub