1000 Sorry.
I am new in prolog.Sorry search…Some have experience to help me.
I’m looking for use code prolog.
1.How better ide or other command line use prolog because the SWI Prolog have many problem in command line?
SWI Prolog is dificult to used. I get used to
ok find from documentation
2.In SWI-Prolog-Editor can compile and execute prolog code.
gprolog mingw with cygwin linux for windows or gprolog msvc understand msvc for c/c++
Working somebody with atom?
I try some beter in SWI Prolog Emacs GNU etc.Is better ?
Visual studio code add all extension prolog but do run execute without debugging not work.
There is and SICStus is a state-of-the-art, ISO standard compliant. Oh oh…
Yet extension prolog had problem but solution with…
file extension prolog,until today used .*.pl but …
Had problem with extension prolog like *.pl and some program doing confilt.
*.pl used all word Pel and my computer.
The solution for prolog change registry windows. File Name Extensions documantation prolog
You can keep the pl extension, since in eclipse you would always load the file through the menu, and you can run the program within the Prolog console within the Eclipse IDE.
If you don’t see the Prolog console you can make it visible through the Window->Show View->Other menu and the select Prolog Console – which will open that Eclipse View for you.
In Eclipse when you consult a prolog file (through right clicking on the open file window and selecting (Re)consult. or by pressing F9.
Note: you don’t run the jar from the command line – instead you paste the link into the eclpse add new software entry field – and eclipse then accesses the link to download the plugin