This is the noted table. The topic was split so that it would not be buried in another post.
n | 4chan lower bound | L₂(n) | Current Best Minimal Superpermutation Length | Known to be minimum | Current Best Minimal Superpermutation | |
1 | - | - | 1 | Yes | 1 | |
2 | - | - | 3 | Yes | 121 | |
3 | 9 | - | 9 | Yes | 123121321 | |
4 | 33 | 34 | 33 | Yes | 123412314231243121342132413214321 | |
5 | 152 | 154 | 153 | Yes | 123451234152341253412354123145231425314235142315423124531243512431524312543121345213425134215342135421324513241532413524132541321453214352143251432154321 | |
6 | 867 | 873 | 872 | No | 12345612345162345126345123645132645136245136425136452136451234651234156234152634 15236415234615234165234125634125364125346125341625341265341235641235461235416235 41263541236541326543126453162435162431562431652431625431624531642531462531426531 42563142536142531645231465231456231452631452361452316453216453126435126431526431 25643215642315462315426315423615423165423156421356421536241536214536215436215346 21354621345621346521346251346215364215634216534216354216345216342516342156432516 43256143256413256431265432165432615342613542613452613425613426513426153246513246 53124635124631524631254632154632514632541632546132546312456321456324156324516324 56132456312465321465324165324615326415326145326154326514362514365214356214352614 35216435214635214365124361524361254361245361243561243651423561423516423514623514 263514236514326541362541365241356241352641352461352416352413654213654123 | |
7 | 5884 | 5,908 | 5,906 | No | 5906 | link |
8 | 46,085 | 46,205 | 46,205 | No | 46,205 | |
9 | 408,246 | 408,966 | 408,966 | No | 408,966 |
Since all of the post are HTML and most of the basic HTML will pass through the Discourse filters unchanged, I created the table by typing in raw HTML. Remember I was coding during the days of punch cards, so there was a time when all HTML was coded by hand and yes I did many HTML pages by hand coding the HTML.
The raw HTML used in this post is
<th>4chan lower bound</th>
<th><a href=!topic/superpermutators/bkaogtr9zqE>Current Best Minimal Superpermutation Length</a></th>
<th>Known to be minimum</th>
<th>Current Best Minimal Superpermutation</th>
<td><a href="">Yes</a></td>
<td><a href="">5906</a></td>
<td><a href=>link</a></td>
<td><a href=>46,205</a></td>
<td><a href=>408,966</a></td>
How did I get the HTML code to show as HTML code?
```html HTML code ```
How did I get the Markdown code (```html
and ```
) to show as markdown code?
Markdown code
How did I get the <pre>
and <\pre>
tags to show?
Just bookend the section with ```
Lets’ just say that I have done it more ways wrong than most people have done it and so now know the right ways.
For a more complicated table that tried to insert SVG images generated using GraphViz DOT see this. As best as I can figure, Discourse does not allow links to images in HTML table cells. So the images should be side by side and not top to bottom.
This is a wiki so that you can click on in the lower right of this post and see the raw HTML.
EDIT 09/19/2019
See: Discourse meta - Can someone explain post formatting with HTML?