Did somebody ever systematically measure context switching for SWI-Prolog?
Would it be possibly to not only measure thread context switching but
also coroutine context switching? Here is my current test case:
fib(0, R) :- !, R=1.
fib(1, R) :- !, R=1.
fib(N, R) :- M is N-1, fib(M, A), L is M-1, fib(L, B), R is A+B.
fib_hell(0, R) :- !, R=1, sleep(0).
fib_hell(1, R) :- !, R=1, sleep(0).
fib_hell(N, R) :- M is N-1, fib_hell(M, A), L is M-1, fib_hell(L, B), R is A+B.
I guess sleep/1 is not allowed to simply do nothing for a zero argument.
It should go into some operating system call so as to change the scheduling
of the current thread. For thread switching, I assume so, I get:
/* SWI-Prolog 9.1.4 */
?- time(fib(29,_)).
% 2,496,119 inferences, 0.188 CPU in 0.193 seconds (97% CPU, 13312635 Lips)
?- time(fib_hell(29,_)).
% 3,328,158 inferences, 0.328 CPU in 2.861 seconds (11% CPU, 10142958 Lips)
For coroutine switching, using nodeJS setImmediate(), I get:
/* Dogelog Player 1.0.5 */
?- time(fib(29,_)).
% Wall 1680 ms, gc 73 ms, 3466927 lips
?- time(fib_hell(29,_)).
% Wall 4717 ms, gc 57 ms, 2293147 lips
For some other thread switching, using Thread.sleep():
/* Jekejeke Prolog 1.5.6, JDK 1.8 */
?- time(fib(29,_)).
% Up 365 ms, GC 4 ms (Current 03/04/23 20:33:35)
?- time(fib_hell(29,_)).
% Up 541 ms, GC 3 ms (Current 03/04/23 20:33:40)