Dear Jan,
Thank you very much for the information!
But I hav’t got how to communicate data between prolog engine thread and calling thread. e.g. how to return A1 in the snippet below:
Terms, as in term_t or its C++ equivalent PlTerm are restricted to a single thread. I’d try to avoid the kind of stuff you are doing there as much as possible. Let Prolog create the threads and let C++ do the things in those threads that Prolog cannot do (well). If that doesn’t work, let the C++ main program create the threads and attach a Prolog thread to those that need Prolog (or have one or more Prolog engines hopping around between the C++ threads that need Prolog).
If you want to do stuff like that you can use PL_record(), PL_recorded() and PL_erase() to communicate the term as a record from one thread to another. That is also what happens between Prolog threads for the goal passed to a new thread as well as terms send to another thread using a message queue.
In my experience the most productive way is to use C++ is for defining additional predicates. and do all the rest in Prolog. If the main program must for some reason be in C++ you can still do that: your C++ main simply initializes Prolog and passes control to Prolog. It also saves you a lot of recompilation
Thank you so much for clarification: terms are restricted in single thread! I’ll let C++ and swipl do what they are good at and do best to avoid interleaving.
In the Qt console there are several places where inter thread communication is needed.
Maybe you could find useful the helper exec_sync. Clearly, it doesn’t address exchanging term_t, it just offers a pattern to avoid race conditions with lambdas - that I think are present at least in your first example.
PREDICATE0(tty_clear) {
ConsoleEdit* c = console_by_thread();
if (c) {
// loqt does better...
// pqConsole::gui_run([&]() { c->tty_clear(); });
ConsoleEdit::exec_sync s;
c->exec_func([&]() {
// buggy - need to sync
// c->tty_clear();
return TRUE;
return FALSE;