I’m using: SWI-Prolog version ???
SWI-Prolog version 7.6.4 for amd64
I am a prolog beginner. I am trying to build a word generator for a made up language to test my prolog capabilities. Here is my code:
['ሀ', 'ለ', 'ሐ', 'መ', 'ረ', 'ሰ',
'ቀ', 'በ', 'ተ', 'ኀ', 'ነ', 'ከ',
'ꬣ', 'ጠ', '፷', 'ጸ', 'ዂ', 'ፈ',
'ፐ', 'ዱ', 'ዳ', 'ዴ', 'ዶ']).
vowel(['ቈ', 'ቊ', 'ቋ', 'ቌ', 'ቍ', 'ኋ', 'ኊ']).
nasal_consonant(['ጙ', 'ዷ', 'ድ', 'ዲ', 'ደ']).
uvular_consonant(['ሠ', 'ወ', 'ዐ', 'ዘ', 'ጙ']).
syllablegen(1, Syllable) :-
uvular_consonant(Uvular), vowel(Vowel),
random(0, 7, VowelIndex), random(0, 5, UvularIndex),
nth0(UvularIndex, Uvular, UvularChar),
nth0(VowelIndex, Vowel, VowelChar),
Syllable = [UvularChar, VowelChar].
syllablegen(2, Syllable) :-
generic_consonant(Consonant), uvular_consonant(Uvular), vowel(Vowel),
random(0, 23, ConsonantIndex),
random(0, 7, VowelIndex),
random(0, 5, UvularIndex),
nth0(ConsonantIndex, Consonant, ConsonantChar),
nth0(UvularIndex, Uvular, UvularChar),
nth0(VowelIndex, Vowel, VowelChar),
Syllable = [ConsonantChar, UvularChar, VowelChar].
wordgen([], _).
wordgen(SyllableNums, Word) :-
SyllableNums = [Head|Tail],
syllablegen(Head, Syllable),
append(Word, Syllable, NewWord),
wordgen(Tail, NewWord).
All the syllablegen predicates are working when I call “syllablegen(1, X).” and “syllablegen(2, X).”, but a problem occurs when I am calling wordgen and it gives me an unexpected output which is this:
?- wordgen([1, 2], X).
X = [] ;
X = [_2898] ;
X = [_2898, _2910] ;
X = [_2898, _2910, _2922] ;
X = [_2898, _2910, _2922, _2934]
The behavior I was expecting was an output like this:
?- wordgen([1, 2], X).
X = [ዐ,ኊ,ለ,ዐ,ቌ] ;
or a derivative of it as randomness exists in this program.
I been working on this for past 12 or so hours and I just cannot figure it out for the life of me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.