Incremental tabling in compiled code not working as I expect

SPOILER ALERT: for those solving Advent of Code the following will contain a (likely non-idiomatic) solution for part 2 of day 18.

This year, I’ve been trying to learn/relearn Prolog by solving the Advent of Code problems. On today’s problem (day 18) I’ve encountered different behavior between compiled and directly run code.

I’m (ab-)using a dynamic predicate and tabling in the solution. From reading the reference manual this seems to necessitate incremental tabling to properly invalidate the table.

My code is:

:- dynamic([corrupted/2], [incremental(true)]).

initCorrupted(Points) :-
  foreach(member(X/Y,Points), assertz(corrupted(X,Y))).

step(X/Y, X2/Y) :-
  (X2 is X + 1; X2 is X - 1),
  0 =< X2, X2 =< 3,
  \+ corrupted(X2,Y).
step(X/Y, X/Y2) :-
  (Y2 is Y + 1; Y2 is Y - 1),
  0 =< Y2, Y2 =< 3,
  \+ corrupted(X,Y2).

:- table pathToGoal/2 as incremental.
pathToGoal(Start,End) :-

binarySearch(Low,Low,_, Low).
binarySearch(Low,High,Points, Res) :-
  Mid is (Low + High) // 2,
  length(Prefix, Mid),
  ( pathToGoal(0/0,3/3)
  -> Low2 is Mid + 1, binarySearch(Low2,High,Points,Res)
  ; binarySearch(Low,Mid,Points,Res)

compute2(Points, Res) :-
  High is N - 1,
  binarySearch(0, High, Points, M),
  nth1(M, Points, Res).

run() :-
  Points = [ 0/3, 1/2, 2/1, 3/0, 2/2, 1/3, 0/2],
  compute2(Points, X/Y),
  format('Result: ~d,~d~n', [X,Y]).

Directly running this I get the expected output

$ swipl -g run -g halt
Result: 3,0

However, when first compiling the code, I get a different result

$ swipl -g run -g halt -o aoc -c
$ ./aoc
Result: 1,3

This is also the result I get when not declaring the table of pathToGoal as incremental. Manually abolishing the table in initCorrupted/1 with abolish_table_subgoals(pathToGoal(_,_)) fixes the issue in the compiled code, leading me to believe the table is not properly invalidated.

Is this behavior expected, and I am doing something wrong? Or is this a bug?

PS: I’m also happy to hear about any improvements to make my solution more idiomatic.

You are right. The incremental property of the dynamic predicate corrupted is lost in the compiled state. That is a bug. There are also at least three dubious things with the code:

  • foreach/2 is something to be avoided if you can. In this case it is ok to backtrack over the 2nd argument and thus forall/2 is faster and has no issues.
  • Commit to a tabled predicate is wrong as it looses answers. I think it is safe in this particular case as the call is ground.
  • As the second clause of binarySearch/4 keeps firing, it produces an infinite sequence of the same answer.

Fixed with FIXED: Preserve `incremental` property when creating a saved state. · SWI-Prolog/swipl-devel@21264b8 · GitHub

Thank you for the quick answer, fix, and suggested improvements. I really appreciate it.

I assume this refers to the pathToGoal(0/0,3/3) on the left of ->? I see now that this is also mentioned in the documentation, however, I don’t fully understand the issue. Does the commit cause an incomplete table so that later calls to the tabled predicate miss the “unexplored” solutions? Are there any resources where I can find problematic examples of this? I can’t seem to construct one myself.

Yes. But, SWI-Prolog does local scheduling, which implies that it tries to complete a table before continuing the execution. To get trapped by this the predicate needs to be incomplete when the cut is used, which implies that it needs to be part of a larger strongly connected component, i.e., a set of mutually dependent tabled predicates. The way it works is that if, while filling the table, it hits a new tabled predicate, it extends its scope (strongly connected component) and solves the two predicates together.