::Annie is here, arguing bitterly with herself::
When I gave the SWI-Prolog course a couple years ago I made this exercise, and included the
code below, with the explanation
we compute the value of HOut on the recursion down, but tack it onto the front of the output list on the way out. We save stack by using TCO .
Jason Rothfuss, one of my students, writes
The part I’m confused about is in bold about saving stack. I don’t see how stack can be saved here because you have to hold on to the HOut value until you’re on the way up/out. In other words, I don’t believe swipl can achieve TCO because the stack frame has a value that must be preserved to be used on the way up/out. Is that right, or am I missing something?
I agree with him, I guess (though at this point I’m baffled too).
Running the test, I see a spike in global but not in local.
So either this is doing TCO, or I’m misunderstanding the thread monitor output.
double([], []).
double([H|T], [HOut|TOut]) :-
HOut is 2 * H,
double(T, TOut).
test :-
findall(X, between(1, 1_000_000, X), List),
writeln('made list'),
double(List, _).
::Annie is here, looking baffled::