The reason the PDF was not uploaded was because the site setting for authorized extensions that can be uploaded does not include pdf. Last I recall it was decided not to allow PDFs to be uploaded.
Here is a link for those interested:
For more historical information see the full directory from which the document comes.
A quick read suggests it formalizes current practice. It is not easy to assess whether SWI-Prolog fully complies to all this. Would be nice if there are test cases that allow making this assessment. Overall, I’m in favor of complying unless there is a good reason not to.
Writing the test cases for conformance seems easy enough (use code examples in the document) but I have little idea of how to test for nonconformance, any suggestions.
Then there is no reason to hurry. DCGs have been on the ISO agenda since I joined the discussions, probably 20 years ago We’ve seen various different approaches, none of which succeeded. I have the impression there is a fair compatibility among the current implementations. I might be wrong as I surely do no know all of them.