JSON support

I understand people like using dicts when converting JSON and that dicts and json/1 are both supported. I just read something in the docs that suggested that the json/1 with key value pairs lists might be dropped. I always use this format because it fits the JSON specification better. I know of at least one database system that allows keys to appear multiple times in its JSON format. More specifically, the specification does not require keys to be unique. Javascript requires unique keys but JSON does not.

I did not believe that json/1 would really be dropped, but I wanted to state that it is needed since dicts require unique keys.

Good point.

I am guessing that json/1 is a predicate indicator. In looking for json/1 I do not find it in the documentation.

Can you clarify? :slightly_smiling_face:

json/1 is not executable. It is the compound term that represents JSON. Its argument is a list of key/value pairs.