Learn Prolog Now is down

I’m about to start (as the instructor) a two week Prolog unit in my undergraduate programming languages course. Usually I recommend reading from Learn Prolog Now. However, both learnprolognow.org and lpn.swi-prolog.org are down.

Has this tutorial been removed for some reason, or am I just checking at an unlucky time?

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I have no role in learnprolognow.org. I created lpn.swi-prolog.org as a demonstration of what SWISH can do. http://lpn.swi-prolog.org is just a (rewriting) proxy server though, so if the origin doesn’t work it is useless.

Seems the entire domain including mail is gone. I’ve sent a mail to the two older addresses from the people behind lpn I still had and that didn’t bounce right away.


I just understand from Johan Bos that is site is being migrated to a new server. He didn’t state how long that will take.


Thanks very much for looking into it, Jan! It seems to be back online. :slight_smile:

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