Looking for a list of historically significant virtual or abstract machines for Prolog


That was one of the papers I found in checking. It was so good I checked if it was listed in Useful Prolog References, it was.

IIRC it was where I found VAM.

It was a very informative paper and also noted:

  • PLM

One thing that was hard in a cursory search of the paper was that the word machine is often used, but does that mean a physical machine, virtual machine or abstract machine. You have to read each section in detail to know which is correct when used.

It is also a very old paper: 1994.

  • SICStus Prolog—the first 25 years
    – SICStus Abstract Machine (SAM) and RISCified SAM (RISS) (Haygood 1994).

  • The BinProlog Experience: …
    – BinWAM

Working my way down the list of references from Reinventing paper