So far, I assert file_search_path/2 manually, feeling somewhat boring. So I wrote a code for generating them below.
I think nothing interesting for most of prologers as it is so easy an exercise, but the code is fresh for me.
I used builtins prolog_load_context/2 and file_directory_name/2.
A very small thing in the code: I use (the empty list) for indicating
the field is void. In fact, in the example, a directory prolog
does not appear in the output because alias of the directory is not necessary for this example.
Sample query for generating file_search_path/2.
:- DirStr =
[ (pac_root : []) -
[ test:test,
:(prolog) -
[ pac : pac,
misc : misc,
zdd : misc,
tmp : tmp,
gb : "misc/grobner",
other: other
prolog_load_context(directory, Dir),
file_directory_name(Dir, PacRoot), % assuming structure for packs
mk_file_search_path(PacRoot, DirStr).
% ?- file_search_path(X, Y).
%@ X = other,
%@ Y = "/Users/cantor/devel/zdd/prolog/other" ;
%@ X = gb,
%@ Y = "/Users/cantor/devel/zdd/prolog/misc/grobner" ;
%@ X = tmp,
%@ Y = "/Users/cantor/devel/zdd/prolog/tmp" ;
%@ X = zdd,
%@ Y = "/Users/cantor/devel/zdd/prolog/misc" ;
%@ X = misc,
%@ Y = "/Users/cantor/devel/zdd/prolog/misc" ;
%@ X = pac,
%@ Y = "/Users/cantor/devel/zdd/prolog/pac" ;
%@ X = test,
%@ Y = "/Users/cantor/devel/zdd/test" ;
%@ X = pac_root,
%@ Y = '/Users/cantor/devel/zdd' ;
Codes of forest_to_paths/2.
mk_file_search_path(PacRoot, DirStr):-
forest_to_paths(DirStr, Eqs),
maplist(attach_dir_prefix(PacRoot), Eqs, Eqs0),
maplist(assert_search_path, Eqs0).
% Remarck: [] means empty string "" to avoid "//" in paths.
attach_dir_prefix([], E, E):-!.
attach_dir_prefix(A, P = [], P = A):-!.
attach_dir_prefix(A, P = B, P = C):-
atomics_to_string([A, /, B], C).
assert_search_path(A = B):-
asserta(user:file_search_path(A, B)).
%% forest_to_paths(+X, -Y) is det.
% X is a directory structure with path alias
% for sub directories in X.
% Y is a set of pairs (A=B) such that B is the absolute
% file name of A such that file_search_path(A, B) becomes true.
% ?- setup_aux:forest_to_paths([], X).
% ?- setup_aux:forest_to_paths([(a:b)-[]], X).
% ?- setup_aux:forest_to_paths([(a:b)-[(c:d)-[]]], X).
% ?- setup_aux:forest_to_paths([(a:b)-[(c:d)]], X).
% ?- setup_aux:forest_to_paths([(a:b)-[(c:d), (e:f)]], X).
forest_to_paths([], []).
forest_to_paths([(P:Dir)-L|Xs], Out):-!,
forest_to_paths(L, D),
maplist(attach_dir_prefix(Dir), D, D0),
forest_to_paths(Xs, Ys),
append(D0, Ys, Zs),
( P == [] -> Out = Zs
; Out = [P = Dir| Zs]
forest_to_paths([:(Dir)-L|Xs], Out):-!, forest_to_paths([([]:Dir)-L|Xs], Out).
forest_to_paths([A|Xs], Out):- forest_to_paths([A-[]|Xs], Out).