I’m working on my first sizable Prolog project using PEngines as a base. I’m running into a permission issues during remote procedure calls to predicates that utilize the crypto
(or alternatively sha
) library. I am using the library for sha_hash/3
. I believe this is marked unsafe by the sandbox because it relies on system libraries.
In a module named hash, I create a predicate that utilizes crypto
% hash.pl
:- module(hash, [consistent_hash/2]).
:- use_module(library(crypto)).
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
% https://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/man?predicate=crypto_n_random_bytes/2
bytes_integer(Bs, N) :-
foldl(pow, Bs, 0-0, N-_).
pow(B, N0-I0, N-I) :-
B in 0..255,
N #= N0 + B*256^I0,
I #= I0 + 1.
consistent_hash(Data, Id) :-
% this call is marked unsafe
crypto:sha_hash(Data, Hash, []),
bytes_integer(Hash, Id).
I create a PEngines application using this module and make it available over the default port. In another process, I attempt to call consistent_hash/2
. I run into the following error:
server_1 | Hash for hello world: 1354612085418477232551576450202542006353716358698
server_1 | % Started server at http://localhost:3030/
client_1 | ERROR: No permission to call sandboxed `crypto:sha_hash(_10502,_10504,[])'
client_1 | Warning: Goal (directive) failed: user:(_440="hello world",pengine_rpc("http://server:3030",consistent_hash("hello world",_442),[application(server)]),format("Hash for ~w: ~d~n",[_440,_442]))
In response, I attempt to add the crypto:sha_hash/3
to the set of sandbox:safe_predicate/1
% hash.pl
% attempt to sandbox
:- use_module(library(sandbox)).
:- multifile sandbox:safe_primitive/1.
server_1 | ERROR: /app/hash.pl:8:
server_1 | ERROR: No permission to declare safe_goal `crypto:sha_hash(_13574,_13576,_13578)'
I have a working example in this repository for reproducing the issue: GitHub - acmiyaguchi/prolog-sandbox-pengines
Are my safe_primitive
declarations incorrect? Is there a way to turn off sandboxing entirely for PEngines? I would love to be able to make more progress, but I’m running out of ideas.