Msvcrt.dll error


The 64 bit version is working fine, on all of my Windows 8 - 10 laptops.

But I’m trying to install the 32-bit version on an XP, Service Pack 3.

The install is fine, but when trying to run Swi-Prolog, there’s

“Entry point qsort_s could not be located in dynamic library msvcrt.dll.”

The version of the msvcrt.dll is 7.0.2600.5512. I went ahead and installed the runtime from

, rebooted, and it’s still the same version.

I searched the forum for ‘msvcrt’ and ‘qsort_s’, but cannot find anything about this.

In any case, fixing qsort_s s only part of the problem. Recent versions rely on a couple of more modern Win32 APIs that will either not exist or are stubs in Windows XP. Currently, _WIN32_WINNT is set to 0x0600, which is supposed to be Vista.

If you need a version on XP, you can pick an older download. I’m afraid I do not recall which version is the latest supporting XP.

Thanks, Jan. I had a problem finding the older downloads. I saw a list, but there weren’t any links to the actual files.

Anyway, thanks for the clairification. At least I don’t have to waste any time trying to ‘fix’ the problem. Especially since it’s also happening on another XP laptop.

Download page, select show all files from the bottom-right of the table and you get all versions. Ignore the description claiming Windows 7 as this is a generic text bound to the file type. I tried downloading version 6.0, which worked fine. You probably need a version of about a year old.

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Thanks, Jan.

I just found this page today. It should be sufficient, even if it’s several versions back.


That is more for historians :slight_smile: I recomment