Parallelising or fact lookup -- does it make sense


I am defining a node and a link and a “superclass” NodeOrLink. To lookup if a node or link exists i am using three predicates:

node_exists(Node) :- node(Node).
link_exists(Link) :- link(Link, _, _).

and the generic one:

node_or_link_exists(X):-  node(X); link(X, _,_).

The latter is in the worst case two failed hash lookups in series. I am now wondering, what if I created a thread for each as so:

node_or_link_exists(X) :-
   must_be(atom, X),
   thread_create(node(X), Thread_1),
   thread_create(link(X, _,_), Thread_2),
   thread_join(Thread_1, Status1),
   thread_join(Thread_2, Status2),
  (Status1; Status2).

For a large kb with lots of nodes and links – would this be making sense to do to reduce hash lookup time?

Btw, if it does makes sense, then I am thinking that this could be improved – the thread_join wait for both to complete – but, if one completes with true, there is no need to wait for the other … not sure how to improve the code for that with the given thread API …


Btw, another question is if there is anything gained - speed wise – if i unify node and link, into a new asserted fact – node_or_link/1 – creating a third lookup hash table – would the joined hash table lookups perform about the same as two run in parallel – i.e. anything significant to gain for the cost of another indexed fact.


Creating and joining a thread is fairly expensive. Well, compared to looking up a fact. Depending on the OS and hardware you may get numbers like this (Ubuntu 20.04, AMD 3950X):

?- time(forall(between(1, 10 000, _), (thread_create(true, TID), thread_join(TID)))).
% 50,001 inferences, 0.220 CPU in 0.517 seconds (43% CPU, 226996 Lips)

Besides that, this approach turns the lookup into the equivalent of once/1, loosing logical properties.

That is possibly more interesting. It depends though. First of all on link/3. If the 2nd and 3rd arguments are large terms the call link(X,_,_) can be expensive. If they are merely atoms or integers it is not a big issue. Second, you get rid of the disjunction, making the call immediately fail or succeed deterministically. Depending on how it is used (does the choice point live long?), this can make a significant difference.

P.s. It would be interesting to be able to compile clause such as below in such a way that the 2nd and 3rd argument are not materialized.

link_exists(Link) :- link(Link, _, _).

Indeed, that is what i am seeking to achieve … to remove the choice point that exists merely due to the generalization semantics. And, if there is already a choice point, then perhaps it can be optimized through parallism.
