Parsing strings into grammar / terms


I am working on a socket based client to concept base. I am receiving responses from the server as strings such as so:


How can i easily parse this text (received as a list of chars) into its component terms?

I guess, i could define a DCG with terminals as individual characters and then build this up, somehow …

is this the way to go …


There is library(optparse): command line parsing which is not a direct fit, but if it works will do a lot of the heavy lifting for you.


The more I look at what you want to do and compare that with the abilities of library(optparse) the more I think your idea is correct.

is the way I would go at first. But I do spend a large amount of my time writing DCGs so for the most part I find them easy going; your mileage may vary.

I must be missing something here. This looks like a proper Prolog term and you just need to read it.

?- read_term_from_atom('ipcanswer("CBserver_s79114368_1",error,"no")', X, []).
X = ipcanswer("CBserver_s79114368_1", error, "no").

What am I missing?

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Hi Boris,

Thank you.

You aren’t missing anything – i am …

Thanks for noticing this …
