Parsing text using a formal grammar: SWIPL Example

The strings are:

?- use_module(library(pPEG)).

?- ['pPEGpl/Examples/SWIP-grammar/'].

?- ['pPEGpl/Examples/SWIP-grammar/'].

?- string_termList("- =:= :- - x0 .", [X]), write_canonical(X), nl.
X =  (=:=(-):- -x0).

?- string_termList("- - * :- x0 .", [X]), write_canonical(X), nl.
X =  (*(- (-)):-x0).

But maybe its a problem with error handling, realization of
your philosophical objection, that the above should fail?
I was using verbose(silent)?

Edit 08.05.2022:
If you take SWI-Prolog as the reference implementation, the two
should indeed fail in pPEG SWIPL example, since in SWI-Prolog
they throw an error:

?- X = (- =:= :- - x0), write_canonical(X), nl.
ERROR: Syntax error: Operator priority clash

?- X = (- - * :- x0), write_canonical(X), nl.
ERROR: Syntax error: Operator priority clash