PEngines and logging?

I’m using: SWI-Prolog version 8.0.2 on Ubuntu Linux 18.04 with a PEngines server.

My background with web sites is the typical Node.JS or .NET server, where the server by default keeps certain logs (Request date/time, IP address, etc.) and most people usually upgrade to some popular deluxe logging package sooner rather than later.

Some questions:

  • Where can I read up on (if any) default logging PEngines does for each query that is thrown at it?

  • Are there any logging statistics available from PEngines, via a predicate it exposes I should call from code or via a web page in the Admin interface?

  • How are those of you that have PEngines installations doing logging and if you are using an SWI-Prolog package to do it, which one?

The good old PEngines code is basically unmaintained. I still wonder why you keep referring to it. Only the core pengines library that is part the the SWI-Prolog distribution and SWISH are being actively developed and maintained.

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Hi Jan, sorry I didn’t quite understand that.

Are you saying that I should not have used the code I found in the PEngines GitHub repository to start my project? But that I should have extracted the PEngines code base that is in the SWI-Prolog or SWISH GitHub repositories?

I started my PEngines project by using the code found in this repository:

and then I run a modified from that code base using swipl. Are you saying that there is a complete PEngines dir with apps, web, etc. sub-directories directly in the SWI-Prolog repository (or Swish repository), that I should have used instead?

By the way, I added a comment to the Swish/chat.html GitHub thread after you closed the issue.

You’re making me utterly confused. packages-pengines is part of the normal Prolog installations and has no, so you cannot modify that. It just contains the core library, pengines.js and a few helpers. It is ok to use that, but it doesn’t provide any scratchpads to which you are referring, no admin, no logging, no nothing. I think you refer to I’ve explained the relation between the three pengines related packages (the above and swish) several times in this discussion, so please read these carefully.

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Sorry for the confusion Jan.