Problems deploying SWIPL + sCASP on GCP

I’m getting an error existence_error(procedure, '/'(scasp, 2)) when running SWIPL and sCASP on a Google Cloud Run service, but I’m not able to recreate the same problem when I run the same code locally inside a docker container built from the same repository. As far as I can tell from the logs, everything is being installed correctly inside the container, so there’s no obvious reason that the scasp predicate would not be present in the container on GCP.

I’m sort of at a loss as to how to troubleshoot that, just wondering if anyone has run into similar strange issues with installing modules on a container hosted in a GCP or similar environment.


Hard to tell without any clue on how this is built or deployed. My first step would be to run check/0 at the startup in the container. That might tell you where the undefined predicate comes from. Another is to wrap the main goal into catch_with_backtrace/3 and make sure the library(prolog_stack) is loaded. That should result in a backtrace.