How to - protocol/1
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protocol/1 will copy the output that goes to the screen to a file. So if you run a trace/0 and the output goes to the screen, a copy will be sent to a file. To simplify having to write the entire path for protocol/1 I find it easier to set the current working directory using working_directory/2 and then only set the specific file with protocol/1.
For this example create a file, e.g.
and add some facts and predicates to demonstrate tracing.
ancestor(X,Y) :- parent(X,Y).
ancestor(X,Y) :- parent(X,Z),
Open SWI-Prolog top level and use consult/1 to load the file
consult("C:/ ... /").
NB On Windows the directory separators are / not \. Change them if necessary.
Since the SWI-Prolog terminal on Windows will default to using color with tracing and that will add unneeded escape sequences to the output file set_prolog_flag/2 needs to be run to turn the color off.
?- set_prolog_flag(color_term,false).
Verify that the terminal is not using color.
?- current_prolog_flag(color_term,X).
X = false.
A quick run to verify the predicate and facts work
?- ancestor(ann,henry).
true ;
Now set the current working directory to where the output file will be created.
?- working_directory(_,"C:/Users/Eric/Documents/Prolog").
and verify that the change occurred
?- working_directory(CWD,CWD).
CWD = 'c:/users/eric/documents/prolog/'.
Since I don’t want to press the space bar for each trace output I disable user interaction for all the debug ports using leash/1 - NOTE: The space bar still needs to be pressed to get the next result. (ref)
?- leash(-all).
and since I want to see all of the output from all of the debug ports I enable them all with visible/1
?- visible(+all).
Enable the copying/capture of the screen to a file
?- protocol("./trace_output.txt").
start the tracer
?- trace.
and run a query to be traced
?- ancestor(ann,henry).
Call: (8) ancestor(ann, henry) ? creep
Call: (9) parent(ann, henry) ? creep
Fail: (9) parent(ann, henry) ? creep
Redo: (8) ancestor(ann, henry) ? creep
Call: (9) parent(ann, _1124) ? creep
Exit: (9) parent(ann, helen) ? creep
Call: (9) ancestor(helen, henry) ? creep
Call: (10) parent(helen, henry) ? creep
Exit: (10) parent(helen, henry) ? creep
Exit: (9) ancestor(helen, henry) ? creep
Exit: (8) ancestor(ann, henry) ? creep
true ;
Redo: (9) ancestor(helen, henry) ? creep
Call: (10) parent(helen, _1124) ? creep
Exit: (10) parent(helen, henry) ? creep
Call: (10) ancestor(henry, henry) ? creep
Call: (11) parent(henry, henry) ? creep
Fail: (11) parent(henry, henry) ? creep
Redo: (10) ancestor(henry, henry) ? creep
Call: (11) parent(henry, _1124) ? creep
Exit: (11) parent(henry, mary) ? creep
Call: (11) ancestor(mary, henry) ? creep
Call: (12) parent(mary, henry) ? creep
Fail: (12) parent(mary, henry) ? creep
Redo: (11) ancestor(mary, henry) ? creep
Call: (12) parent(mary, _1124) ? creep
Fail: (12) parent(mary, _1124) ? creep
Fail: (11) ancestor(mary, henry) ? creep
Fail: (10) ancestor(henry, henry) ? creep
Fail: (9) ancestor(helen, henry) ? creep
Fail: (8) ancestor(ann, henry) ? creep
end the tracing
?- nodebug.
and end the copying of the screen to the file
?- noprotocol.
Now open the file C:\Users\Eric\Documents\Prolog\trace_output.txt
10 ?- trace.
[trace] 10 ?- ancestor(ann,henry).
Call: (8) ancestor(ann, henry)
Unify: (8) ancestor(ann, henry)
Call: (9) parent(ann, henry)
Fail: (9) parent(ann, henry)
Redo: (8) ancestor(ann, henry)
Unify: (8) ancestor(ann, henry)
Call: (9) parent(ann, _6466)
Unify: (9) parent(ann, helen)
Exit: (9) parent(ann, helen)
Call: (9) ancestor(helen, henry)
Unify: (9) ancestor(helen, henry)
Call: (10) parent(helen, henry)
Unify: (10) parent(helen, henry)
Exit: (10) parent(helen, henry)
Exit: (9) ancestor(helen, henry)
Exit: (8) ancestor(ann, henry)
true ;
Redo: (9) ancestor(helen, henry)
Unify: (9) ancestor(helen, henry)
Call: (10) parent(helen, _6466)
Unify: (10) parent(helen, henry)
Exit: (10) parent(helen, henry)
Call: (10) ancestor(henry, henry)
Unify: (10) ancestor(henry, henry)
Call: (11) parent(henry, henry)
Fail: (11) parent(henry, henry)
Redo: (10) ancestor(henry, henry)
Unify: (10) ancestor(henry, henry)
Call: (11) parent(henry, _6466)
Unify: (11) parent(henry, mary)
Exit: (11) parent(henry, mary)
Call: (11) ancestor(mary, henry)
Unify: (11) ancestor(mary, henry)
Call: (12) parent(mary, henry)
Fail: (12) parent(mary, henry)
Redo: (11) ancestor(mary, henry)
Unify: (11) ancestor(mary, henry)
Call: (12) parent(mary, _6466)
Fail: (12) parent(mary, _6466)
Fail: (11) ancestor(mary, henry)
Fail: (10) ancestor(henry, henry)
Fail: (9) ancestor(helen, henry)
Fail: (8) ancestor(ann, henry)
[trace] 11 ?- nodebug.
12 ?- noprotocol.
Here is an example of using the above functions to create a basic predicate that toggles logging on and off with a single command.
% ----->>>>> toggle_trace_logging/0
% This predicate turns trace logging OFF it is currently ON, and ON if it
% is OFF. Note, when logging is turned ON, any existing file with the
% log file name we use is OVERWRITTEN. This can be changed by using
% protcola/1 (append) instead of protocol/1. Also, this code always
% writes to a file named `prolog-trace.plg` in the current working
% directory.
turn_off_trace_logging :-
% Undo the changes we made to support and format trace output to
% a file.
% Show all output from the debug ports.
set_prolog_flag(color_term, true),
% Turn OFF tracing.
write('Trace logging is now OFF.'), nl, !.
turn_on_trace_logging :-
% Establish the log file name while turning tracing ON.
% Turn off color output so we don't get color characters in the
% logging file.
set_prolog_flag(color_term, false),
% Turn off space bar confirmation for each output since we
% are outputting to a file.
% Show all output from the debug ports.
% Turn ON tracing.
write('Trace logging is now ON.'), nl, !.
toggle_trace_logging :-
% Is trace logging currently on?
% Yes. Turn it off.
write('Turning OFF trace logging.'), nl,
toggle_trace_logging :-
% Tracing is assumed to be OFF now. Turn it on.
write('Turning ON trace logging.'), nl,